

今天我读了一个很有教育性的故事,名叫《灰姑娘》。这个故事主要讲有一个叫仙蒂的小姑娘,失去了妈妈。过了一年之后她爸爸又娶了一个妻子,这个女人还带了她两个女儿来。从此仙蒂就开始受苦了。有一天,国王下令举办舞会,给王子选个妻子。仙蒂央求她继母让她去,但她继母怎么也不给她去。她伤心地哭了起来,突然,一个仙女出现在她面前,仙女变了一条非常漂亮的裙子给她,还给了她一双玻璃鞋。仙蒂就高高兴兴地去了舞会。最后她就和王子一起在城堡里过着幸福快乐的生活。 读了这个故事我体会到了,要做一个善良的人,做好人就一定会有好报。英文:Today, I read a very educational story called "Cinderella." The main speakers of this story has a Christian name of the girl, lost her mother. A year later after her father married another wife, this woman brought to her two daughters. Began to suffer from a Christian. One day, the king ordered to hold the ball, to the wife of Prince elections. Christian begged her to let her stepmother, but her stepmother is not how to give her. She cried again, a sudden, a fairy appeared in front of her, a fairy has changed very beautiful to her skirt, a pair of glass back to her. Christian went on happily to the ball.
Finally, she and the prince in the castle lived together happily ever after life.
Read this story I realized that, and be a good people, good people will









鲁滨孙是个伟大的人,坚毅的人,孤身一人在这个荒无人烟的孤岛上生活了27年。他敢于同恶劣的环境作斗争,勤奋劳动,把小岛经营得有条不紊。他在逆境中锻炼了自己,成就了一番不平凡的事业。 这本书教会我们只有坚持才能胜利,只有实干才能让我们摆脱困境,实干比信念更重要……

我的人生也会随着这本书而起航,在人生的航海中,勇敢前进,永不放弃! After reading "Robinson Crusoe" This brilliant novel, the image of a tall emerged from time to time in my eyes, he is brave explorer, navigator Robinson. With his indomitable perseverance, the spirit of never give up and realize their dream of sailing.
I like standing on deck to see the ship such a person: he gave up a wealthy and comfortable life, offensivelife that will begin a death duel with the great challenge of survival. Unfortunately, with all sorts of difficulties and there is no overwhelming Robinson, it made him stronger. God grant the difficulties Robinson, is also more challenging for him!
The tsunami crisis, in addition to the entire ship Robinson spared, the real challenge of survival has only just begun!
Living on an island, he has been trying to find a suitable shelter, run on shore for a whole day, in a rock to find a shelter. Robinson ride down the mountain in a small tent, and as much more, which again on a few stakes to hang a hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes, as well as wood, so wooden raft material堆成a temporary wall for defense. But only after 10 days, a sudden landslide. Robinson came to not only shipped out of the loose soil, but also installed the ceiling, with the following columns to avoid the recurrence of landslide disasters. Never give up, Robinson laid the foundation for life.
After reading "Robinson Crusoe" This brilliant novel, the image of a tall emerged from time to time in my eyes, he is brave explorer, navigator Robinson. With his indomitable perseverance, the spirit of never give up and realize their dream of sailing.
I like standing on deck to see the ship such a person: he gave up a wealthy and comfortable life, offensivelife that will begin a death duel with the great challenge of survival. Unfortunately, with all sorts of difficulties and there is no overwhelming Robinson, it made him stronger. God grant the difficulties Robinson, is also more challenging for him!
The tsunami crisis, in addition to the entire ship Robinson spared, the real challenge of survival has only just begun!
Living on an island, he has been trying to find a suitable shelter, run on shore for a whole day, in a rock to find a shelter. Robinson ride down the mountain in a small tent, and as much more, which again on a few stakes to hang a hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes, as well as wood, so wooden raft materiala temporary wall for defense. But only after 10 days, a sudden landslide. Robinson came to not only shipped out of the loose soil, but also installed the ceiling, with the following columns to avoid the recurrence of landslide disasters. Never give up, Robinson laid the foundation for life.
Time, inadvertently Robinson out of the hull in the corner, even grow green stems, shortly Sui to grow up a few dozen head, this is the grace of God. Since then, Robinson one half of the rainy season on sow seeds to test, in order to get more food. The worst one experiment, the harvest of barley and rice have only just half a bucket. However, after the trial, so that Robinson became a master field. Know when to seed, and now he knew that the two sowing seasons, harvest twice. Never give up, life has been Robinson rations.
Ship to China, Robinson also spent a few years, numerous efforts. Light is the felling of several months. However, due to the prior does not take well to the sea far away from the ship, how he can not allow boats into the water. This is the next several years of effort wasted, and all hopes are dashed. Until the emergence of Friday, the hope rises again welled up!
Robinson is a great person, firm, and alone in the uninhabited island for 27 years of life. He dared to play against an adverse environment for the struggle, hard labor, was an orderly operation of the island. Exercise in the face of adversity, he himself made extraordinary achievements in the cause. This book can teach us that only by upholding the victory, only to let us work out, work is more important than faith ... ...
With my life will be the start of this book, in the maritime life, the brave move, never give up!