deal with和do with的区别


deal with和do with两条短语其中交叉的主要是表示“对付”“处理”,用于此义时两者的区别主要有两个方面:

一、deal with 习惯上与how搭配,而do with 习惯上与what 搭配,例如:

1、I don’t know how to deal with him. 


2、What shall I do with your mail? 


二、单独使用的 deal with 也可表示“对付”“处理”,而do with 通常不单独使用表示此义,例如:

1、The system is more than adequate to deal with any problems. 


2、The government has to deal with the twin issues of inflation and unemployment. 


3、We have several important matters to deal with at our next meeting. 




一、handle 读音:英 [ˈhændl]   美 [ˈhændl]  




例句:A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.


二、manage 读音:英 [ˈmænɪdʒ]   美 [ˈmænɪdʒ]  


vt.& vi.办理,设法对付


例句:How do you manage without a car?


三、dispose 读音:英 [dɪˈspəʊz]   美 [dɪˈspoʊz]  

vt.& vi.处理,处置;安排


例句:They dispose of the city's waste in the sea. 


第1个回答  2018-10-31


1、do with 常与连接代词what连用。

2、deal with 常与连接副词how连用。

3、介词with的宾语都是名词, 而deal是不及物动词,不带宾语,do是及物动词,其宾语是连接代词what。

4、do with 表示“处置”、“忍受”、“相处”、“有关”等。而Deal with意义很广,常表示“对付”、“应付”、“处理”、“安排”、“论述”、“涉及”等。


1、How do you deal with this problem? =What do you do with this problem? 
这个问题你怎样处理? (deal with作“对付,处理”之意时,意同do with,只不过其中do为及物动词,而deal为不及物动词。

2、I'm sorry, but it's nothing to do with you.
对不起,但是这跟你没关系。(do with 作“有关”之意时,后面接的是人称代词。)


do with 和 deal with相关的例句

1、They have not finalized the deal with the government.

2、This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.

3、It has nothing to do with you. 


4、I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this

第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-02
区别1 deal with作“对付,处理”之意时,意同do with。而do with与what连用,deal with则与how搭配使用,如:
I have no idea what to do with the old car.我不知道怎么处理那辆旧车。
I don’t know what to do with the car.我不知道怎么处理那辆旧车。
He doesn’t know how to deal with this matter.他不知道怎么处理这件事。
2 do with 表示“处置”、“忍受”、“相处”、“有关”等。deal with 意义很广,常表示“对付”、“应付”、“处理”、“安排”、“论述”、“涉及”等。本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2015-06-18
do with 常与连接代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用,如:
1 .I don’t know how they deal with the problem .(= I don‘t know what they do with the problem .)我不知道他们如何处理这个问题.
2 .He is easy to deal with .(= He is easy to do with .这时“do”是不及物动词)他是容易相处的人.这两个词组在使用时有细微的差别.一般地说,do with 表示“处置”、“忍受”、“相处”、“有关”等.如:
1 .They found a way to do with the elephant .他们找到对付那头大象的办法了.
2 .We can’t do with such carelessness .我们不能容忍这种粗枝大叶的作风.
3 .We are difficult to do with the new comer .我们很难与新来的那个人相处.
4 .I have nothing to do with him .我跟他无任何关系.
deal with 意义很广,常表示“对付”、“应付”、“处理”、“安排”、“论述”、“涉及”等.如:
1 .They could properly deal with all kinds of situations .他能恰当地应付各种局面.
2 .Deal with a man as he deals with you .以其人之道,还治其人之身.
3 .This is a book dealing with Asian problems .这是一本论述亚洲问题的书.
4 .They have learned to deal with various persons .他们学会了和各种人打交道.
do侧重 对象 ,deal侧重 方式方法
第4个回答  推荐于2017-09-11
deal with

1.=treat;take actions about;be concerned with 处理;对付;论述;涉及

*The man is hard to deal with.这个人很难对付。

*It is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the problems of traffic in big cities.对付大城市的交通问题变得日益困难。

*His latest work deals with the Second World War.他的新书的内容是关于第二次世界大战。

2.=have a relationship with sb., business matters 与…有来往;与…有生意来往

*He has been dealing with this shop for twenty years.他同这家商店打了20年交道。

do with

1.=treat;deal with对付;处理

*The teacher didn't know what to do with the naughty pupil.教师不知道该怎样对待那个顽皮的学生。

*What will you do with these imported goods?你们准备如何处理这些进口货?

*The play was terrible;half the actors didn't know what to do with their hands.这个戏糟透了,一半的演员不知道手往哪里放。

2.=make do;be content with;manage with对付用;对…满意;将就着;凑合用

*I will just have to do with what I've got.我只能将就着用我现有的东西。

*Can you do with 500
yuan this school term?500元钱这学期你够用吗?

*We don't have tea.Can you do with a glass of water?我们没有茶,你能凑合着喝杯水吗?

*We couldn't afford fish, so we had to do with meat.我们买不起鱼,只好将就吃点肉。

3.=tolerate;endure;put up with 容忍,忍受(跟can或could的否定式连用)

*I just can't do with
those boastful people.我受不了那些爱吹牛的人。

*He couldn't do with
waiting any longer,so he left.他不能忍受再等下去,因此走了。

*We can't do with such

4.=find useful or helpful;need;want;be glad to have需要;乐于接受(跟can或could搭配)

*After a day's hard work,he could do with a bath and a good meal.辛苦工作了一天后,他需要洗个澡并美餐一顿。

*Oh,I could do with a cup of tea.哦,我想喝杯茶。

*Your coat could do with
a clean.你的大衣需要洗一洗了。

5.=work with;be
acquainted with 跟…打交道;相处(跟have搭配)

*You shouldn't have
anything to do with those people.你不要跟那些人相处。

*He has to do with

*I have got nothing to
do with the matter.我跟这件事一点关系也没有。


*Have/Are you done with the book I lent you?我借给你的书看完了没有?

*I wanted to be done
with it as soon as possible.我想尽快了结这件事。

*He told me that he had
done with those people.他告诉我他已不和那些人来往了。

*Hitler,having done with his last meal,fetched Eva Braun for another and final farewell to
his most intimate collaborators.希特勒吃罢最后一餐,带着爱娃?勃劳恩,与他最密切的合作者再一次作最后告别。

*I have done with