

The origin of the first piece of RMB
In December 1, 1948, the Central People's government issued fourth Rongji bulletin, announced the North China bank, Beihai bank, northwest agricultural bank merged into "people's Bank" China, with former North bank head office. The day of the people's Bank of Chinese established that issued the first batch of RMB. On the morning of 9, Hebei province Pingshan County bank comrades come to collect, it is the most early to receive the unit of rmb. The then director of North China bank issued section chief Shi Lei, a comrade and discuss in the subscript "00000001" number, denomination of 50 yuan of China's first RMB as a souvenir. This piece of RMB specifications the earliest in our country is 132 x 68 mm, adaxially background is light blue, lace for sorghum red, black picture, just above the printed with the then chairman of the North China People's Government of President Dong Biwu block letters "Chinese people's Bank", "Wu Shiyuan" intermediate, "Republic of China thirty-seven years" "bottom middle, left the main figure as" reservoir ", right" mine "; for the yellow brown back shading, edge is deep brown, above also has" the people's Bank of China "and" 50 ". Yuan ticket version is made up of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei border area of printed board Wang Yijiu et al. According to the design of the people of Jiefang District production and construction of the picture.追问

哇哦,thank you



第1个回答  2014-09-27

