


A detective must be all eyes and all ears, still have to remember all the details. They want to pay attention to the weather, people wear shoes, the flower of the hat of the woman, the man clothes a box of matches in the pocket.


They must understand the way of the world, to the dog, sheep and horses have to know about. Even, they must also understand horse racing, the emperors of entertainment sports.


A horse in a famous horse racing - the "silver" - have gone missing, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went to the stables in dartmoor.


"Silver" is a week after a series of the favourites, its owner Mr Ross with confidence to win the game. But first he has to find his horse.


This case also a dead - John, rick, "silver" horse trainer. His wife in not far from the stable mud his body was found. Gregory inspector to find out the murderer, but he and Mr. Ross has draw the wrong conclusion.

