急求一片英语作文··· 假设你校将举行一个成人仪式,你将作为代表在仪式上发言。不要太好100字左右··

急求一片英语作文··· 假设你校将举行一个成人仪式,你将作为代表在仪式上发言。准备一篇发言稿。
注意:1.词数100 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯 3.发言稿的开头和结尾已写好。
Good morning every! (开头)
Thank you for your listening.(结尾)

第1个回答  2010-08-14
When I think back on my early childhood, I can remember how unhappy I was. I started in a new school in Shanghai, which was surrounded by a lot of toy stores and I was fascinated, in a rather special way, by all the toys displayed in the windows. At that time I was not particularly satisfied about my life. I knew I didn’t come from a rich family and my parents could afford these toys. I often wondered why I should suffer more than other children. I always kept this in my mind and felt sad often.
As time went on, I entered junior high school and became
friendship with a girl at the school. She was also from a poor family, but she was happy with her life and active in everything in school. She set a good example to me. Gradually I began to take a positive attitude toward myself and my life. During this period of association with the girl, I experienced a real “grown-up”. And I got to realize, on an intellectual level, life should not be evaluated just by one’s wealth. Even now as a senior high school student, sometimes I still wonder why the enlightenment took so long. But I have finally come to know that growing up is really a self-fulfilling experience.
第2个回答  2010-08-19
Good morning every!
Today, the sacred flag, our business travel over 18 students in this assembly, held a solemn rite, this time, we feel extremely excited.

18 years old, is the flower-like the good old days at the same time, it has also been given a sacred and solemn mission. Since then, we have entered a most important and most life times.
Students, 18-year-old is a sign of maturity. Starting today we will be a new identity, new characters to life. Age is no longer pregnant spoiled vote, peace of mind the age of tears no longer, for the write poetry that no longer the age of Melancholy. Our future, more of a mature and responsible, we must brave and strong, we launched more life to the challenge, the community is more eager to send us a call.
Thank you for your listening.
如果不行,自己先写成中文的吧!然后到 百度搜一下:金山翻译,在线翻译一下就可以喽。