

1. The English term for April Fools' Day is "April Fools' Day."
2. Another way to say April Fools' Day in English is "All Fools' Day."
3. Related English expressions for April Fools' Day include: "April 1st Fool's Day" and "Happy April Fools' Day."
4. The origin of April Fools' Day (in English):
April Fools' Day is a tradition celebrated on April 1st, which began in the 19th century in Western countries. While the exact origins of this holiday are unknown, it is widely believed to have started in France.
5. April Fool's Day pranks can range from simple jokes, like saying "Your shoelace is undone!" to more elaborate pranks. A common practical joke is to set a roommate's alarm clock back an hour. Even the news media gets involved in the pranks. For example, a British short film aired on April Fools' Day once detailed a "spaghetti farming" documentary, complete with details about harvesting from spaghetti trees. No matter the prank, the prankster usually ends it by yelling to their victim, "April Fool!"
6. April Fools' Day is a holiday meant for fun only. There is no expectation to buy gifts or to take a "significant other" out to a fancy restaurant. There is no work or school holiday. It is simply a fun little holiday, but one must remain vigilant, as they could be the next April Fool!
7. Different countries celebrate April Fools' Day differently. In France, it is called "April Fish" (Poisson d'Avril). French people play pranks by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs, and when they discover the trick, they yell "Poisson d'Avril!"
8. The origins of April Fools' Day are associated with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in France in 1564. January 1st became the new New Year's Day, but some conservatives continued to celebrate New Year's on April 1st. Those who supported the reform mocked the old-fashioned people by sending fake gifts and inviting them to leave receptions, calling them "April Fool" or "bait fish." Since then, people have been playing pranks on each other on April 1st, making it a popular custom in France. By the early 18th century, the custom had spread to England and then to the United States with early British immigrants.
9. An example of a practical joke: Pranksters take a length of rope, stop a pedestrian, asking them to help measure the size. Then they take the other end of the rope, turn the corner, and stop another pedestrian, repeating the same trick. Meanwhile, the prankster can hide and enjoy the confusion. Both ends of the rope may wait for ten minutes before realizing they've been pranked.
10. Another practical joke involves buying a bottle of cola, drinking half, and then adding vinegar, soy sauce, salt, and mustard to create a怪味可乐. When encountering friends, one pretends to be drinking and then offers the concoction, leading the friend to drink it and react with a sour face. Similar pranks can be done with other substances, like mixing alcohol with mineral water or adding soapy water to beer.
11. A workplace prank: Sending an email every ten minutes to every employee, telling them what the sender is currently doing, such as "I'm in the bathroom. If you need me, please don't hesitate."
12. An online chatroom prank: A user complains about slow internet speed, and another user suggests a method to speed it up, leading the complainant to press a "reset" button on the computer case, which is actually not a function button.