too much和too many有什么区别


<p><strong>一、too much和too many的用法区别</strong></p><p>too much和too many都可以用来形容事物数量过多。但是,它们在用法和意义上有一些不同。<br />1、too much是一个副词,用来形容事物的量超过了适当的或预期的数量。它可以用来形容名词、动词或形容词,意思是“太多”。例如:<br />• I ate too much food yesterday. (昨天我吃得太多了。)<br />• There is too much rain.(雨水太多了。)<br />• He spoke too much. (他讲得太多了。)</p><p>2、too many是一个形容词,通常用来形容可数名词的数量超过了适当的或预期的数量。例如:<br />• There are too many books on the shelf. (书架上的书太多了。)<br />• I onlyneed two pairs of shoes, but I bought too many.(我只需要两双鞋,但我买多了。)</p><p>too much更多地与数量和程度有关,而too many更多地与可数名词的数量有关。</p><p><strong>二、too much和too many的读音释义</strong><br /></p><p><img src="80150313404" /></p><p><strong>三、too much造句</strong></p><p>1、His eyes were bloodshot after toomuch drinking.<br />他的眼睛由于饮酒过度而充血。</p><p>2、It had toomuch working capital and toomuch gear sitting unsold in showrooms.<br />公司拥有充裕的营运资本,但太多的设备滞留在陈列室未得出售。</p><p>3、We mustn't presume toomuch upon the reliability of such sources.<br />我们不应过分指望这类消息来源的可靠性。</p><p>4、The young couple lavish toomuch care on their only child.<br />那对年轻夫妇对他们的独生子过度溺爱。</p><p>5、Maybe it was because I had expected toomuch from them, they didn't seem as good as I thought.<br />但可能是期望值太高了,味道并没有我想象中的那么好。</p><p>6、I suppose so, but do not pour toomuch water into it.<br />我看要以,但是水不要放得太多。</p><p>7、But even with sugar there can be toomuch of a good thing.<br />但即使是糖,过量也不是好事。</p><p>8、While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, toomuch stress can exhaust you.<br />适当的压力可能有益,而压力过大会让你筋疲力尽。</p><p>9、You both like to take chances and depend toomuch on luck.<br />你们都喜欢冒险和碰运气。</p><p>10、Simply put, most of us cram way toomuch information on one slide.<br />简而言之,往一张片子里塞进去太多的信息了,大部分人都是如此。<br /><br /><strong>四、too many造句</strong><br /><br />1、You made too many mistakes.<br />你犯的错误太多了。<br /><br />2、The TV play was interrupted by too many commercials.<br />那个电视剧中插入的广告太多了,频频被打断。<br /><br />3、There are too many errors in your work.<br />你的工作失误太多。<br /><br />4、I soon learned not to ask too many questions.<br />我很快就意识到不能问太多的问题。<br /><br />5、Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.<br />有太多的贫民生活在十分拥挤的条件下。<br /><br />6、I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights.<br />我当然能感受到熬夜太多产生的影响。<br /><br />7、Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text.<br />例子太多会使行文不流畅。<br /><br />8、Too many government departments are unaccountable to the general public.<br />有太多的政府部门不对社会大众负责。<br /><br />9、Too many people are chasing too few jobs nowadays.<br />如今有太多的人在角逐寥寥无几的工作职位。<br /><br />10、There are too many mistakes in this essay.<br />这篇文章错误太多。<br /></p>