
1,What do you think of the most difficult when learning English?
2,Making self-introduction.
3,What do you think of your college ?
4,What is your farourit sport ?
5,What do you think of the regula physical exescise ?
6,Asking and giving directions.
7,Talking about the weather.
8,What does "Afriend in need is afriend in deed "mean.
9,What is you favorite food ?
10,What do you think of fast-food ?
11,How does diet affect people's health ?

1,I think the most difficult thing in learning English is the grammer .because it is difficlut to remember when you really use it to speak with forigenner.and it was different with the grammer in Chinese .

2.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is 你的名字. I come from 你的家乡, a very beautiful city. Now I'm studying in 你的学校名称. My major is 你的专业.
In my spear time,I like playing tennis and badminton. When I was sophomore, I found BLOG very interesting. At times,I writes some articles and publishes them in BLOG. So far,what I most expect to do is to learn English well. Though I do know my English is bad now,I have confidence in myself.I'll be learning English to my best without giving up. Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.

3.I like my college very much . She is very beautiful and very huge ,she has alot of playgrands ,we can play alot of sports there,just like basketball ,football...My faverate in my college is the liberary ,it has thousand kinds of book ,i canget knowlege here...

4.To be honest i love basketball most. intensive competition, skillful control of the ball and hardcore team cooperation, that's the spirit.

5.It is as much important as work in my point of view. great work result be in vain if you didnt earn a healthy life.


9. I like pizza most however many others consider it junk food.

10.Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won't be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurant.
However, I think that fast food isn't healthy enough because it does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food I s only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in awhile.
第1个回答  2007-01-06
1,What do you think of the most difficult when learning English?
I think it is learning words
2,Making self-introduction.
3,What do you think of your college ?

4,What is your farourit sport ?
5,What do you think of the regula physical exescise ?
6,Asking and giving directions.
7,Talking about the weather.
8,What does "Afriend in need is afriend in deed "mean.
9,What is you favorite food ?
10,What do you think of fast-food ?

11,How does diet affect people's health ?
第2个回答  2007-01-06
1、Writing part is the most difficult when I learning English
2 Making self-introduction.
Im xxx, you may call me xx.graduated from xxx school and be good at {你擅长的东西}
3 It is attractive!
4 My favorite sport is swimming
5 It is good for my health
6 Asking and giving directions.
it is good favor to help others.and giving directions is one of the most easiest ways to do so.
7 The weather is always rains and snows !
8 患难见真情
9 My favorite food is pizza
10 It bad for health
11 A good diet can make us healthy but a bad diet can make us feel terrible!
第3个回答  2007-01-06

1,What do you think of the most difficult when learning English?
i consider the fostering of native tounge at both writing and talking as the most difficult one because it raised too many problem and there was few approved method to accomplish it.

2,Making self-introduction.
Im xxx, you may call me xx.graduated from xxx school and be good at {你擅长的东西}

3,What do you think of your college ?
well it was an absolutely good college.it offered me great opportunities to develop my skills such as researching and bussiness.

4,What is your farourit sport ?
to be honest i love basketball most. intensive competition, skillful control of the ball and hardcore team cooperation, that's the spirit.

5,What do you think of the regula physical exescise ?
it is as much important as work in my point of view. great work result be in vain if you didnt earn a healthy life.

6,Asking and giving directions.
it is good favor to help others.and giving directions is one of the most easiest ways to do so.

7,Talking about the weather.
actually today is nicest day i've ever seen. warm sunshine, nice cloud, it cant be better.

8,What does "Afriend in need is afriend in deed "mean.
it means that the sincere friends are the ones who share your trouble and help you when needed.

9,What is you favorite food ?
i like pizza most however many others consider it junk food.

10,What do you think of fast-food ?
it has adverse effect to your health i think, even though it was sometimes tasted good.

11,How does diet affect people's health ?
the incorrect choose of diet would definitely reduce your health, because inappropriate nutrition would top the risk of disease and affect your daily activities.
第4个回答  2007-01-06
1、Writing part is the most difficult when I learning English
2 是做自我介绍,楼主自己写写吧
3 It is attractive!
4 My favorite sport is swimming
5 It is good for my health
6 说说自己的方向
7 The weather is always rains and snows !
8 患难见真情
9 My favorite food is pizza
10 It bad for health
11 A good diet can make us healthy but a bad diet can make us feel terrible!

