
每天坚持写一篇作文。可以养成每天写引文日记的习惯,只有不断的练笔,考场上才能有更好的笔感 用英语怎么翻译

每天坚持写一篇作文。可以养成每天写引文日记的习惯,只有不断的练笔,考场上才能有更好的笔感 用英语怎么翻译
Sticking to writing an essay each day will help you develop a habit of writing. Only in this way can you achieve a better sence of writing when you're sitting a test.
第1个回答  2015-10-10
Insist on writing a composition,which can pick up the habbit of writing diary everyday.Only in keep practicing, will the right feelings strike our head.本回答被网友采纳