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第1个回答  2010-08-30
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Animal Farm’s Resemblance the Darksided Communism
Communism is the transformation of Marxism according to the modern historical scientists. The power of communism strangles the Russian Revolution in the early 20th century. Eventually, due to the threat of the spreading communism influence, many monarchy countries stood up against it. Due to the lack of unity and idealism, communist Soviet Union started to divide up among groups of politicians. In the end, leader Stalin came into power and twist the policies of Soviet Union caused the transformation of Communism into and evilness act to manipulate the people as his tools in battles. George Orwell depicted communist leader Stalin through criticizing Napoleon due to his usage of military force to prevent chaos, uses rhetoric and languages to twist the truth, and to manipulate social and political structure at Animal Farm to emphasize the others that the Russian Empire was built under brutality and bloods.
Napoleon uses military forces to prevent chaos because of paranoid that keeps him suspicious: and he supplies himself with protections. First, Napoleon secretly takes the new born dogs away “as soon as they were weaned, for their education” from the crowd. It is Napoleon’s conspiracy to brain wash the infant dogs, whom later can turn out to be one of Napoleon’s secretly weapons to take down his rivals. Napoleon demonstrates the usefulness of these personal guards when he opposes Snowball’s advice to build the farm mill as an act of civilization. Napoleon’s personal dog guards receive the signal and rush into the barn, where the meeting is held. They run toward Snowball and start to bite him. Napoleon finally finishes the first step of his plan as Snowball’s disappearance. This part of the scene is purposely made “by projecting human conflicts onto animal characters, readers can avoid feeling threatened or overwhelmed by the real world problems they encounter in this simplified and in many respect charming form.”
Secondly, Napoleon uses military forces to prevent chaos through the execution of individuals that affiliate with his rivals. Napoleon first executes the sheep to demonstrate his capability to over run the government. During the confession, Napoleon interrogates them: “when they finish their confession, the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess.” Along with the execution of the sheep, Napoleon executes the chickens, which protest about Napoleon’s unequal distribution of labors, as an act to prevent further outbreaks. George Orwell emphasize Napoleon “to illustrate the destruction of the attitudes and excitement behind every scene,” which brings the reader to a conclusion that the existence of the communism separate human identity apart from conscience and ambiguity.
Similarly, the battle between Mr. Jones and the animals is another example that another example that Napoleon uses to manipulate his new “government” through the military oppression on public chaos. In the beginning, Napoleon overthrows Mr. Jones and takes over Animal Farm with his former allies, Snowball. In addition, Napoleon raises the battle against the neighbor farms to prove his capability in leading the crowds of animals. Since Snowball is the threat to prevent Napoleon to his future aggression, Napoleon secretly builds up his own military power. In the animal farm meeting, “the animal decided unanimously to create a military decoration” to honor those who fought for Napoleon. According to the level of commitment those animals contribute, Napoleon honors them as “animal Hero First class, and second class.” Napoleon’s scheme prevails his personal desire t o achieve for anything, even if it means to use military power to prevent chaos; it elucidate the evilness of communism in every bit of detail.
Napoleon uses rhetoric and language to twist the truth through the establishment of the Seven Commandments, which is the guide line for all animals in the Animal Farm.
In the beginning, all animals from the animal farm are treated equally under the guide lines. According to the Seven Commandments, all animals should not live in a building, dress in clothing, walk, and talk like humans…etc At the farm, animals spend hours to pick up the Seven Commandments and its original definition. However, it takes only a short period of time for the pigs to fully understand it. In contrast, the ducks and other poultries require extra hours to pick up on the 26 alphabets, and still seem to have trouble spelling the vocabularies. Napoleon sees the weakness of the animals and plan on “using hard vocabulary, distracters he makes the content of the text and what the word means.”
Secondly, Napoleon enforces the establishment of the farm mill even though he disproves the plan originally. The establishment of the windmill is not an idea that Napoleon come up with. Snowball, Napoleon’s rival, originally comes up with this idea due to “the building of the Windmill emphasizes the industrialization.” When Snowball spreads the words of the plan at the animal farm meeting, almost everyone favors it, except for Napoleon. Napoleon is jealous of Snowball and his talents. It motivates Napoleon’s desire to assassin Snowball. Napoleon eliminates Snowball, after the meeting, by the means of his personal dog guards. It is not long until the Animals Farm starts to have shortages on foods supplies. Likewise, Napoleon adapts the windmill industrialization concept, hopes to increase the annual production of the food supplies. Due to his uses of rhetoric and language to twist the truth, and the military oppression on public rumors, no animals oppose or question his plans anymore.
In the same way Napoleon enforces the establishment of the Windmill, he uses rhetoric and language to twist the facts about Animal Farm leader, Snowball’s identity and his royalty to the public. First, Napoleon plans the scheme to assassin Snowball in order to eliminate his most influential threat because he severally challenges Napoleon’ power. After Napoleon’s personal guards take off Snowball, Napoleon tries to convince the animals to hate Snowball, and his “conspiracy.” The animals are completely bemused with the fact that Snowball is the traitor by looking at all the contributions that he does to establish the Animal Farm through out the years. However, it takes only a very short period of time for such an idea to pass out when the animals eventually forget about the existence of Snowball. The way Napoleon deals with the threats is to “represent a fundamental betrayal of the revolution.”
In terms of manipulating social and political structures, the unequal distribution of resources among the animals in the Animal Farm is the first thing Napoleon associates with. According to the Seven Commandments, all animals should receive the equal distribution of resources regardless of their contribution to the entire population. Although all the animals work extremely hard to maintain the Animal Farm from running properly, Napoleon does not agree with this equal distribution. He believes that, since the pigs are the one that solve every problem, and were granted the priority to resources. In the meantime, animals receive unequal distribution of labor and their swells are relocated “which called for rapid industrialization and collection of agriculture.” On the other hand, “a unanimous resolution was passed on the spot that the farmhouse should be preserved as a museum,” and prior to the pigs. All the animals disagree with Napoleon, but afraid to complain.

Similarly, as a part of Napoleon’s scheme to manipulate social and political structure, pigs and dogs in Animal Farm control the existence of all the rights and power.
Although Napoleon encourages all the animals to learn to spell letters and ways to contemplate, he believes that “the pigs, having learnt to read, immediately emerge as what sociologists call power elite.” In his intensity to nourish the younger generation to exposure to new ideas, he specifically trains the pigs and dogs to adapt the human way of living: which he originally opposes. Squealer is one of the many tools that Napoleon uses to manipulate social and political structure, and a symbolism of pig supremacy. Likewise, he represents the intelligence of the pig race and “a sign in him of intense mental activity.” In the end, the pigs and dogs violate the law of the Seven Commandments as a sign to conflict the almighty idea of communism which leads to further aggression of the animal rights.
In fact, Napoleon only allows the dogs and pigs to communicate with human as a way of manipulating social and political structure. According to the seven’s amendments, Napoleon forbade any human-animal affiliation due to trading. For anyone that violates the Seven’s amendments, Napoleon subjects the animals with the criminal justice. Not long after the disappearance of Snowball, Napoleon takes over Animal Farm and starts to affiliate with humans from the neighbor farms. Napoleon simply knows that, what ever that he does violates one of the most important part of the Seven’s amendments. Eventually, Napoleon persuades the animals to give up any negative ideas or rumors on his neighbor farms. It is not until Napoleon invites his human partners to visit Animal Farm when the animals realize that they are deceived, but it is too late for regret. In the middle of no where, “the creatures outside looked from pig to men, and from men to pig, and from pig to man again, but already it was impossible to say which was which. Napoleon’s idea for the pigs to duplicate the human model of social organization, they not only reproduce the pattern of patriarchy, but also intrigue the dark side of modern communism in reflection.
George Orwell depicted Napoleon, who resemblances communist leader, Stalin through his use of military force to prevent chaos, uses of rhetoric and language to twist the truth, and to manipulate social and political structure at Animal Farm to emphasize the other of the Russian empire which was built under brutally and corruption. Napoleon uses military forces to prevent chaos resemblances Stalin’s brutality in oppressing the public as the resolutions to put down people’s voices and eliminated their human rights. Secondly, Napoleon’s alteration of social structure and the manipulations of political structure emphasize Stalin’s ways of choosing partners and eliminating rivals. Least but not last, George Orwell disapprove Napoleon’s uses of rhetoric and language to twist the truth as a way to criticize Stalin’s conspiracy that helped him take over the Russian Empire which was built under sweats and blood of countless innocents. George Orwell’s Animal Farm completely fulfills his goal of criticizing Stalin’s idea to the transformation of the original communist Russia into his own monarchy country through showing the dark side of the Russian Revolution.
第2个回答  2010-08-30
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