It's+adj+to do sth/for sb. to do sth /that+从句的例题


要搞清楚你问题中不同用法的关键是理解 exciting 和 excited 的差别。
简单地区分就是主动(-ing)和被动(-ed):用 -ing 表达“让人兴奋”,而用 -ed 来表达(人受到某种刺激而)“兴奋”。例:
It's exciting that he has passed the exam.(让人兴奋:“他考过了”这件事让人兴奋。此句中的 -ing 实际上是形容词,而逻辑主语是 that 从句。这件事才能让人兴奋。)
He is excited that he has passed the exam.(He 兴奋了:为什么兴奋?因为He 考过了。此句中的 -ed 也是形容词,但是一个含被动意思的形容词。事情不会“激动/兴奋”,人才会。所以此句中的主语是人:He。that从句做句子表语(形容词 excited)的补足语。)

同样的道理,在有 for sb. to do sth 的句型中,只可能有 It's exciting for sb. to do sth. 而不可能有 It's excited for sb. to do sth.
第1个回答  2015-04-19
It is important to do these things. It`s important for them to do these things. It`s ijmportant that tey do these things.
第2个回答  2015-04-20
It's good to keep healthy. It's hard for him to do the work. It's wonderful that we won!