

Criticism exists here and there. Each and every one of us can get criticised by others from time to time.
Different people treat criticism differently. Some take it as offence and humiliation. And they might argue back when things get intense. While others take it as a breeze and a reflection. It comes and it goes. If they did do something wrong, they took lessons from the criticism. If the criticism is not true, they let it go and never let rumors interrupt their life or ways of thinking.
And me? I'm something between the two sides above. On hearing criticisms about me, I get annoyed at the very beginning and feel awful about myself. But I will calm down afterwards look back at the past and see whether I did anything wrong. If yes, I will try my best to make it up or at least try not to let the same mistake happen again. If no, then, it never bothers me a second time. Because I know it well that it is very common and natural and, therefore, inevitable that criticism is always there, since everyone has their own opinions and judgements on others' doing.
All in all, in my opinion, good criticism should be taken in and made the best use of, while pointless criticism, well, should not get in the your way.