iOS 3.2.1 审核被拒? 我已经隐藏贷款申请这个功能,审核的时候还是说需要提供相应的证明!

发件人 Apple
3. 2.1 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable
Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License that verifies the authorization from the Internet Loan Information Agency (营业执照,营业范围证明其是网络借贷信息中介结构).
2. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Finance Permit issued from the local finance governing authority (金融许可证).
3. A copy of the Value Added Telecom Business Operation Permit issued by the local Ministry of Information Industry and Technology (从当地工信部获得的增值电信业务经营许可证).
4. Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions.
5. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer?
6. What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions?
7. How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.


其实,应用提审后因上述理由被拒的现象早在今年 2 月份便已突显,只是量级没有目前大而已。对图片中苹果回复的信息进行了简单翻译,如下所示:


1、苹果审核人员已经确定你的 Apple 开发者计划会员资格等已被用于不诚实或欺诈活动。

2、你的行为违反了 Apple 开发者计划许可协议第 3.2(f)节。


4、继续从事这些行为,苹果可能会将你的应用下架、封停开发者账号,并终止你的 Apple 开发人员计划会员资格等。

除此之外,苹果还给出了 Apple 开发者计划许可协议第 3.2(f)节的部分内容。(见上方中文翻译)将其与第 3.2(f)节的原文进行了对比,发现除缺少举例部分外,其他基本一致。

第 3.2(f)节原文及翻译如下所示:

分析 & 应对措施

从苹果回复的信息以及 Apple 开发者计划许可协议第 3.2(f)节的内容我们不难推测,任何干扰苹果软件或服务的行为都有可能因该理由被拒。

而从统计的近 100 个样本数据来看,今年 2 月份,苹果便开始在审核中频繁使用 3.2(f)来拒绝应用,且被拒应用多是重复提交的应用,或和第三方应用类似的应用。其次是用违规手段操控过榜单排名或评论的应用、以及涉嫌侵权的应用等。

通过样本分析出的现象和 Apple 开发者计划许可协议第 3.2(f)节中的部分举例不谋而合,同时其也帮我们解释了:为什么近期马甲应用提审困难。(→因为苹果加大了对重复提交的应用或和第三方应用类似的应用的审核力度!)



2、如果是提交了重复应用而被拒,还可考虑修改应用名称、图标等元数据以及功能、界面,或者去掉代码特征等后,重新提审。(需要注意的是,据传苹果现在已经开始通过技术手段扫代码,如果只是简单的更改,仍然可能会被拒。)或者,直接用新账号提交审核,必要时可考虑修改名称、图标等元数据以及功能、界面等,这样更容易过审。(注意,如果只是简单的更改,仍然可能被拒,且新账号也有被封的风险 。)

第1个回答  2018-04-25
iOS 3.2.1 审核被拒? 我已经隐藏贷款申请这个功能,审核的时候还是说需要提供相应的证明
Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues- Acceptable
We also found that your app facilitates loanapplications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do notreflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required byGuideline 3.2.1(vii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, pleaseprovide the following information. The more information you can provideupfront, the sooner we can complete your review.
1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License that verifies the authorization from the Internet Loan Information Agency (营业执照,营业范围证明其是网络借贷信息中介结构).
2. A copy of your Finance Permit issued from the local finance governing authority (金融许可证).
3. A copy of the Value Added Telecom Business Operation Permit issued by the local Ministry of Information Industry and Technology (从当地工信部获得的增值电信业务经营许可证).+Q*2**2***零*53**57*OO7
4.Your app’s and servi*ce’s Terms & Conditions.
5. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism doesyour app and service offer?
6. What is your responsibility in such case? Is suchresponsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions?
7. How will the involved parties trace one another?
Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support andPrivacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriateinformation.
Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.
第2个回答  2018-06-04
由于最近经常帮客户上金融App,需要将公司开发者帐号中的App 转移到 新的公司帐号中,特此记下流程,便于 其他iOS开发者 做App 转移。
iOS 借贷App借用资质账号上架后转移一个开发者账号下的APP产品转移到另一个开发者账号,在前面我已经说过金融,借贷,股票,贷款超市类型的App应用根据苹果App store新规定:金融理财类应用只能用对应公司名称的开发者账号上传。也就是说,如果用个人开发者账号提交金融理财类应用后收到了类似邮件,可以考虑用公司开发者账号提交;(鉴于您就是使用的开发者账号,所以可以不做考虑。)不管是更新或者新上包都一样,更新的一旦没有通过,就会被下架。
因为在前几个月的时候帮客户上架突然碰到大量问题!所以我就创了一个金融提审被拒交流群,在群里大多都是:PLA1.2或者5.2.1及3.2.1,当时我也试着用上架彩票马甲包的方法,但是还是碰到iOS 3.2.1 审核被拒的问题!听了个别不靠谱的技术(我就不点名了,什么跟苹果斗智斗勇的,大家就不要走我的老路,MB,什么一直跟苹果多次反馈,谁试谁知道,马上封号,就连你的包都会被订上,同样的包换账号上架一样封账号)
3. 2.1 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable
Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License that verifies the authorization from the Internet Loan Information Agency (营业执照,营业范围证明其是网络借贷信息中介结构).
2. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Finance Permit issued from the local finance governing authority (金融许可证).
3. A copy of the Value Added Telecom Business Operation Permit issued by the local Ministry of Information Industry and Technology (从当地工信部获得的增值电信业务经营许可证).
4. Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions.
5. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer?
6. What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions?
7. How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.
第3个回答  2019-03-14
第4个回答  2018-03-21