高中英语作文 说明高速列车和普通列车的优缺点和高铁的认识或看法


Proof of this marketing axiom can be found by simply looking at advertisements from around the world. People featured in advertisements are almost always good-looking, healthy and physically fit. Marketers are savvy enough, and enough market research has proven that, consumers are motivated to buy by advertisements featuring attractive models. Even advertisements that are aimed at the older people of a population will feature attractive older people. Although there has been some criticism about the effect of showing only "beautiful people" on the general population, particularly on young women, advertisers know that beauty sells. But whether this practice makes people feel better about themselves depends on the individual and is certainly open to debate.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-13
在中国 一般火车就在 普通铁路上跑,速度 低于160。
动车 在普通铁路和高速铁路上都有, 这段时间 中国铁路 进行了大范围的降速。
现在 普通铁路上跑的动车,速度 160。 高速铁路上跑的动车 速度250
高铁 只在 高速铁路上跑,速度300。
价格方面,当然 高铁最高,其次 是250的动车,再次是 160的动车。最后是 一般火车。
第2个回答  2015-02-06