

What do you want to do?
Corrections and improvements:
1. "你要干什么的英文" has been rephrased to "What do you want to do?" to accurately translate the sentence into English.
2. "want 读法" and following pronunciation details have been omitted as they are not relevant to the question.
3. "vt. 需要;希望;应该;缺少" has been simplified to "vt. need; want; lack" to provide a more concise explanation of the verb 'want' in English.
4. "n. 需要;缺乏;贫困;必需品" has been omitted as it is not necessary for the context of the question.
5. "want some" has been clarified to "want something" for proper English grammar.
6. "want not" has been omitted as it is unclear and not commonly used in English.
7. "want quiet" has been rephrased to "want silence" for clarity and to use a more appropriate term.
8. "want的词语辨析" has been omitted as it is a detailed explanation not required for the question at hand.
9. The last part of the original text discussing other words has been omitted as it is not relevant to the question and contains errors in translation.