

Task 3
Directions: The following is an advertisement by a travel service. After reading it, you should fill in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below.
Whether you’re looking for a quiet place or a holiday trip, Florida’s natural beauty and various tourist activities let you make your dream alive. Nature lovers can explore hundreds of acres (英亩 ) of lakes, forests and wetlands filled with native birds, fish and wildlife (野生动物 ).
Florida is a sportsman’s paradise (乐园 ) as well, with plenty of opportunities for water sports lovers. and Florida is also the nation’s best tennis place, with over 7,700 tennis facilities. With thousands of rivers and lakes, plus over 1,000 miles of beaches on the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf (海湾 ) of Mexico, Florida is a water sports wonder land. Florida is also home to some of the best attractions in the United States , from technologically advanced parks to historic museums.Welcome to Florida , ladies and gentlemen!FloridaFlorida is most attractive because of1. its 46 , and2. its 47 .Visitors to Florida are mainly1. 48 and2. sportsmen.Among the various sports Florida offers, the most wonderful are 49 .Florida has a beach as long as 50 miles.Task 4Directions: The following is a list of college courses. After reading it, you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A— Business ManagementB— Marketing ManagementC— International Business LawD— Management Information SystemsE— Financial ManagementF— The World Environment and International BusinessG— Managerial Economics and Decision ModelsH— Operations ManagementI— Human Resource ManagementJ— Managerial AccountingK— Economic LawL— Currency Banking ScienceM— Practical International TradeN— Equipment ManagementO— Western EconomicsExample: ( H )生产管理( O)西方经济学51. ( )跨国企业与全球环境 ( )人力资源管理52. ( )企业管理 ( )管理信息系统53. ( )财务管理 ( )设备管理54. ( )管理会计 ( )营销管理55. ( )国际商法 ( )管理经济学与决策模式Task 5Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements below it (No. 56 through No. 60). You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Job-hunting Myths (误区 )Don’t defeat yourself by accepting common myths, says the head of an international consulting (咨询 ) company.Myth 1: If there’s nothing available in your field, switch careers.Fact 1: That’s one of the worst things you can do. You compete against others with experience, and you will not approach your old salary level.Myth 2: Lower your salary demands. You’ll be more attractive to employers in an uncertain economy.Fact 2: People who ask for less are viewed as "undesirable property." If you are considered anything less than first-class, you are not likely to be hired.Myth 3: If you are over 50, it will be very hard to find another job.Fact 3: Workers over 50 win new jobs almost as quickly as youngsters do. Today’s employers place a premium (额外补贴 ) on experience.Myth 4: Bring up salary as quickly as possible in the first interview.Fact 4: That’s a fast way to be removed (取消 ) from consideration. It tells employers you are more concerned with yourself than with the company.Myth 5: You can only get interviews between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.Fact 5: Employers are often available before and after regular hours when the office is quieter. If you get an interview then, you’ve got an employer’s concentrated attention.56. What is the disadvantage of changing your career? You will not reach ______________________________________________.57. What will be the result if you are not considered as first-class? You are less possible to __________________________________________.58. What actually will experienced older people get? They are likely to get ____________________________________________.59. What will happen if you ask for a high salary in the first interview? It will make you __________________________________________ the job.60. What is a better time for an interview? Not __________________________________________________________.
第1个回答  2009-06-22
第2个回答  2009-06-21
09年6月21 22号考试