
悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 11 天 21 小时
内容提要:中国在城市和乡镇企业务工的农民达2亿。这2亿农民工, 文化水平相对较低,缺少应有的基本技能和安全常识,最易受到职业病和生产安全事故伤害,给安全生产、劳动保护带来较大隐患。如何通过培训提高他们的安全素质和技能,使他们适应和融入城市生活,减少事故和意外造成的伤害,是一个重大课题。牡丹区西城办事处以“人人都享受安全,人人都享受健康”的安全社区理念为指导,落实政府监管主体责任和企业安全生产主体责任,对农民工安全培训工作进行了有益探索。
关键词 农民工 安全生产 培训

Summary: The number of migrant workers in city and town enterprises in China has reached 200 million. The lack of education, basic proper skill and common sense of safety makes them easily get hurt by occupational disease and production safety accident, which also brings hidden danger in safety manufacturing and labor protection. It is an important subject on how to improve their safety diathesis and skill by training, let them adapt and integrate into city life, and reduce accident. West City District Office in Mudan District has gained experience in migrant worker safety training by taking the safety district idea "everybody can enjoy safe life, everybody can enjoy healthy life" as their guideline to carry out the subject duty of government supervision and enterprise safe production.
Keyword: migrant worker, safety production, training

第1个回答  2009-06-22
Synopsis: China is up to 200 million the city and peasant of business engineering of enterprise of villages and towns. These 200 million rural workers, the educational level is relatively low, lack the due basic skill and security general knowledge, it is aptest to receive occupational disease and production incident injury, bring greater hidden danger to safety in pr
第2个回答  2009-06-22
Summary: China's township enterprises in cities and work up to 200 million farmers. This 200 million migrant workers, a relatively low level of education, lack of the necessary basic skills and safety knowledge, the most vulnerable to occupational accidents and safety, to safety in production, labor protection a greater risk.Through training on how to improve the quality of their safety and the skills necessary to adapt and integrate into urban life, reduce accidents and injuries caused by accidents is a major issue. Peony Xicheng District Office to "enjoy the security of everyone, and everyone enjoys a healthy," the security community concept as a guide, the main responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the Government and enterprises the main responsibility for production safety
第3个回答  2009-06-22
Summary: The number of migrant workers in city and town enterprises in China has reached 200 million. The lack of education, basic proper skill and common sense of safety makes them easily get hurt by occupational disease and production safety accident, which also brings hidden danger in safety manufacturing and labor protection. It is an important subject on how to improve their safety diathesis and skill by training, let them adapt and integrate into city life, and reduce accident. West City District Office in Mudan District has gained experience in migrant worker safety training by taking the safety district idea "everybody can enjoy safe life, everybody can enjoy healthy life" as their guideline to carry out the subject duty of government supervision and enterprise safe production.
Keyword: migrant worker, safety production, training

