

① 路基开挖前作好截水沟,施工期间修建临时排水设施,力争作到永临结合。
② 土方开挖均应自上而下进行,不得乱挖超挖,严禁用爆破法施工和掏洞取土。边坡配以人工分层修刮平整。
③ 开挖过程中如遇土质变化需修改施工方案及边坡坡度时,应及时报批。
④ 挖方路基施工标高,应考虑因压实而产生的下沉量,其值由试验确定。开挖至路基施工标高后必须立即进行排水边沟的施工。
⑤ 开挖的土方如符合路基填料标准,将土方运至填方地段作为路基填料用,否则作为弃土运至弃土场。
⑥ 深挖路堑施工时,边坡严格按图纸坡度施工,并充分作好排水设施。开挖后及时施工边坡防护。
⑦ 当因气候条件使挖出的材料不能用于路基填筑和压实时,应停止开挖,直到气候条件转好。
① 石方开挖根据岩石类别、风化程度和节理发育程度,确定开挖方法。对于软石和强风化岩石能用机械开挖的采用机械开挖,不能用机械直接开挖的石方,采用爆破法开挖。
② 石方爆破采用预裂、光面、控制爆破技术,有效控制断面,不允许过量爆破,否则自费清理设计断面以外由于爆破所松动的全部材料,弥补环境损害,直至监理工程师满意为止。
③ 爆破作业应防止损坏路床,路床应采用相同强度的材料整平,并用冲击振动压路机碾压,将凸起处压碎,将凹陷处回填压实,提高路床的均匀性。
④ 施工时最大限度的利用开挖的石方,除用于路堤填方外,质量符合要求的石料加工成片石、块石、碎石,用于砌石和路面底基层及结构物混凝土集料,不允许随意弃方。
⑤ 石方路堑的路床顶面标高,要符合图纸要求,高出部分用人工凿平,超挖部分按监理工程师批准的材料回填并碾压密实稳固。
路基挖方施工工艺详见“第十二章 主要分项工程施工工艺框图”。
路基填筑施工工艺详见“第十二章 主要分项工程施工工艺框图”。
Construction Scheme and Method of Subgrade and its attachment Project
I. Construction plan of subgrade engineering
(I) General situation of subgrade engineering
The main line of this contract indludes: integral subgrade, 24.5m wide, with driveway width 2×2×3.75m, and secrete subgrade, 2*12.25m wide.
(II) Arrangement of construction teams
We pre-arrange two construction groups of subgrade engineering to finish the subdgrade construction of this contract. You can find the detail division of task in “List of Task Division in Management Areas”.
(III) Arrangement of construction machines
The main construction machines are suggested “equipment” in technique disposal of procurement document.
(IV) Construction plan for subdgrade
Construction of subgrade is carried out overall arrangement by combining structure. The construction of tunnel and culvert should wor in with each other to start subgrade’s earthwork construction early.
Subgrade’s earthwork construction is carried out by machine. If the transport distance from dig place to fill place is less than 100m, we main use bulldozer. 100-700m, use Load-Haul-Dump. Over 700m, use grab, loader and dump truck. Fill place fill, press it gradually according to transect.
Protection and drainage project of sumgrade is carried out crossly. When dig one-step, we should protect it in time. We use men and machine to finish the drainage project, men build the defense.
High Cutting earthwork mainly use machine to dig directly, man will refit the slope. The stone that cannot be dug directly can use blasting operation.
(V) Progress plan of subgrade engineering
Construction plan: finish this construction in 16 months, from Feb 1, 2008 to May 31, 2009(except preparation time).
(VI) Arrangements of earthwork and stonework
Except the earthwork that used in Subgrade, the others will be put into the appointed waste bank place.
II. Construction ways of subgrade engineering
(I) Construction of cutting excavation
1. Construction ways of cutting excavation
(1)Elements of earthwork excavation: Use grabs to dig earthwork directly, then transport by dump truck
① In order to finish the engineering successfully, we need to prepare the intercepting ditch before digging the subgrade. During the construction, we must build temporary drainage establishment.
② The excavation of earthwork should be from top to bottom, and should not dig randomly and excessively. Forbid the use of blasting operation and hollow out earth. The side slope flat is modified by labor assisted.
③ During the process of digging, if there is a need to change construction plan and gradient of side slope because of the change of soil, you should report to related people to get modification plan.
④ When the digging side have elevation, they should considering sunken which caused by press. Its value decided by test. When dig to the elevation, they should make drainage gutter immediately.
⑤ If the digging earth fit the fill standard, the earth will be transported as fill to the fill place. Otherwise, they will be transported to wasted land.
⑥ When digging high cutting deeply, side slope’s gradient should be the same with design, and we should be prepare drainage instrument well.
⑦ When earthwork that was dug out does not fit for fill because of weather condition, they should stop dig, and wait the weather gets better.
(2)Elements of stonework excavation: Use down-hole drill assisted with hammer drill drilling. Control blasting loosely and side slope molding smoothing wall blasting.
① Stonework excavation is based on stone type, weathering degree and joint develop degree. The soft and strong weathering stone will be dig by machine if they can. If not we can use blasting operation.
② Stone blasting mainly use Pre-splitting, finish and control blasting to control section effetely. Forbid blasting excessively. Otherwise, they should in charge with clean all loose except section, and make up the environment damage until Supervision Engineer satisfied.
③ Blasting should prevent damage road. The road should be filling with same material, use vibratory roller to press. So that, the road will be flat and its equality will improve.
④ We should make great use of the dug earth. Except filling, the stone which accord with requirement can be made into block stone, rushed stone and rubble stone that can be used as build stone, layer ground and concrete material. Forbid to abandon them.
⑤ The top elevation value of stone high cutting’s roadbed should be accord with design. The exceeding part should be cut manually, while the sunken part should be filled according to the Supervision Engineer’s requirement.
Precise information about the construction craft of subgrade excavation is in “Chapter 12 Chart of Various Sub-Engineering Construction Processes”
2. Construction control and inspection
Before dig high cutting, we should prepare well for drainage. In case flood wash the side slope in rainy season. During the construction, we should make sure the drainage instrument free all the time.
When cutting high nearly reaches to the design elevation, we should use miniature machine to prevent dig excessively. Digging should be carried out from top to bottom, forbid to dig from bottom.
If need to protect side slope, we should protect according to design. In case of crush, they should not expose for a long time.
When dig high cutting, except the control of side slope angle and shoulder (road)’s elevation, width. We also should control roadbed’s filling and press degree.
While for the crush that aroused by other reason, they should be cut according to the Supervision Engineer appointed side or gradient, and the things that dig out can be used as fill or others.
3. Stonework blasting construction
Before stonework blasting, we should make out an enforceable blasting construction plan. According to landform geology, section and construction machine and so on. This plan should get the approval of Supervision Engineer, and be carried out strictly according to the Supervision Engineer’s instruction.
We use in-the-hole drill rigs to stratify, separate, smooth, blasting by small dose techniques. During rock roadbed construction, the excavation slope is less than 5 m, using pneumatic rock drill boreholes, shallow hole blasting. the excavation slope is more than 5 m, using in-the-hole drilling rig drilling, deep hole controlled blasting. More than 10 m, using the bench blasting. Electric detonators use millisecond blasting network connection. Both sides slope using presplit blasting, interval charge, strengthen the bottom charge technology. The entire blasting use hole points by blasting delay, the hole outside the group delay, the same group that is the technology. So we can stability of side slope and near telecommunications, electric power lines, the safety of residents after blasting. After the blasting, the block must be moderate, the bulk rate must be within 7%, can meet the shipment operating machinery, can requirement for roadbed filler.
In order to improve the efficiency of machinery, drilling with blasting in-the-hole drilling rig, 7 - 9 m3 internal combustion air compressor, transport-using bulldozers, excavators, dump truck. Drilling, blasting and transport at the same time.
Bilateral high cutting and unilateralism high cutting cannot be dug, excavating gradually. Unilateralism slope first dig shallow lots, then deep one to increase the excavation scale.
The stonework blasting of this contract uses construction program that combine blasting deep hole and smooth blasting.
According to experience of stonework excavation, we plan to adopt a in-the-hole drill to have deep hole controlled blasting technology. Deep hole controlled blasting puts pole drug distributed in rock for blasting, which can have "two controls”. Control fly-stone and blasting vibration wave, which furthest eliminates the influence to the stability of cutting excavation slope and landslide section caused by blasting vibration. Detonation methods used millisecond technology, using millisecond blasting can open up the free surface, the compression wave and reflect wave mutual superposition, the particle size of stonework can control , broken effect is very well, and facilitate transport to filling place.
During the construction of deep-hole controlled blasting, firstly we need to make subparagraph flat, standardized operation and choice hole’s place according to the design requirements. Control the quantity of drug strictly. Pay attention to drug install, packing quality, network connect and detonation processes. Choose construction intermission as security blasters time. Avoid interference operations and enhance efficiency.
Smoothing wall blasting after the main blasting, using excavating use emplaced in the design of the contour line-blasting holes, and accurately will be reserved for the optical layer from the reservation stonework blasting on cutting down a slope formed excavation.
(II) Subgrade filling construction
1. Process Test
Before filling construction of the subgrade, we should have a whole test of various types construction subgrade’s choose geological conditions, the form of a representative section (the length of whole is less than 100 m). Then select the best plan for roadbed construction, process parameters and inspection methods to guide construction. When have the test, we should make a records, such as the type of compaction equipment, the best combination and rolled times and speed, processes, the material thickness of each step. Then submit them to engineers for confirm. So we can strict construction technology, make detection methods clean and to ensure construction quality. If fill changed, we need to test it immediately, and submit to supervision engineer review and approval.


第1个回答  2009-06-04