求英语作文,要我这两个题目的,各一份。 在线等!!!

1,Would you like living in the countryside or in a big city? Why?

2,What's your plan after graduation ,continue to study or find a job? Why?


说一下 我是学动画的


I would prefer living in the big city to the country side. Although the environment in the countryside is tranquil and the air is fresh, however, as one of the urban city population, I guess it will be difficult for me to live and adapt to the environment of the countryside.

First of all, there will be a lot of things i'm not used to. I believed that the countryside does not have proper sanitaion. Whereas in big city, there is clean water to consume and visiting the toilet is more convenient. Moreover, the big city has better infrastructure and communication system, enabling me to contact anyone at anytime I prefer. The countryside does not have such facilities, even so, the communication system is still rather weak. Therefore, comparing the countryside and the big city, I would choose the latter.

Secondly, the medical support for the countryside is weak. For instance, if I am in the big city, I could just phone the hospital if i'm real ill and they will promptly send me for treatment. However, if I was at the countryside, it will be hard for me to make a phone call. Even so, it will take a longer time for the ambulance to reach me due to the weak infrastructure built. The countryside had some clinics too, but their medication is still not the best, not up to the standard which I will feel satisfied. Thus, I would like to live in a big city instead.

In conclusion, the standard of living in the countryside is still lower than that in the big city. As one who lives in a city for many years, I enjoyed staying here and that moving away might not be a smart choice.


I would continue to study after my graduation, as now there is a financial crisis, I believed that a lot of university graduates will not be able to find a job easily, look at how many jobless people in our country!

Continue to learn new techniques allows me to be more prepared in order to step into the society as a working adult. Since I could not find a job promptly, then why not I learn more new skills for now? After I finished my course I guess the tension of financial crisis has been relaxed, the economy will be booming again. Therefore that is the right time for me to find a job, and with such skills that i've developed, I believed that getting a job might not be that difficult for me.

Continuation of study allows me to sharpen my vision and thinking. I always thought that after university graduation the knowledge we learnt is not enough to qualify a better ranking job. I feel that we need to learn more practical skills to face the fast-pacing, fast-changing and highly competitive world. To have learn how to fish and not been given fish is a skill that I must acquire in order to survive. Hence, I will choose to continue to study than to find a job immediately.
第1个回答  2009-06-05
In my opinion,I prefer to live in the countryside,the reasons are as follows.
At first,the air there is fresh.Just imagine,we walk on the street,breath with fresh air,hear the song of thease birds,see the green grass and colorful flowers,how wonderful they are.
On the other hand,there's too much noise in the city.The traffic is bad.no grass,no bird,no fresh air.The only thing there is noise.
Thease are my own opinion,I hope it can be come true.

Everyone has his after graduation,so dose I.After I graduation,I intand to find a job.
The reason is simple.Firstly ,with job,we can get more experience.Nowadays,without experience,knowledge is useless.Secondly,I can support myself.Our parents is old,they shouldn't worried for our cost,so we should learn to earn money.
Sometimes we always believe knowledge is the most important,but as my own thought,experience is more important.
So become a worker after graduation is my plan.
第2个回答  2009-06-05

Would you like living in the countryside or in a big city? Why?

There are many difference between the living conditions of people in a city and in the countryside. Life in the countryside seems to offer much closeness to Nature and among people, but to me, living in a city is obviously more colorful and fulfilling.
In a city, one can usually find many interesting places such as museums and parks to go and see, while in the countryside the places one can go to are limited. Another major differences are that of going to school. A city usually has many good schools, where teachers are of high level and teaching facilities are advanced, which in turn can train high-level students. But in the countryside, teaching conditions are low so that the number of students who can go to college is small. An equally important contrast is the variation of shopping facilities. In a city anyone can shop around until they buy what they are satisfied. For examplae, if you want to buy an overcoat, there are many shopping centers you can go to where you can select and bargain. In the countryside, as there are much fewer shopping facilities, people do not have the choice in the first place.
On the whole, life in a city has many advantage over that in the countryside.

What's your plan after graduation ,continue to study or find a job? Why?
I want to contine my study.As we all know, today is a fighting time,we should have more knowledge than others then we will beat them.If we just have a little power of knowledge,to fail or not to fail,is an difficult question.What's more,learning is a good job.It can improve ourselves and we also can get a nice diploma.Then when we touch the society,we will feel confident.
In a short, I think study is better than find a job.
第3个回答  2009-06-05
they sound like ielts questions to me.anit they?