
1. Are you a night owl or are you more a "fun in the sun" type of chick?

I'm absolutely in love with the night sky.
Day's good because I can make sure everything's under control, but nights are fine as long as I know where my man is.
I like evening the best. Oh! Especially in front of a nice warm fire.
Well, darkness can be seductive - but I actually prefer the day so I can be with more people.
There's nothing like the sun shining through the trees.
However I can get my work done.

2. How do you feel about your gender?
I enjoy being a girl. Not woman. Girl. Grrl, if you prefer.
Being a woman's cool, you've got all this power.
Motherhood is everything.
Being a woman can be hassle, but my life is pretty good and I wouldn't change it.
I barely notice it.
Women are sexy.

3. Where are you in your element?
Wherever my significant other is.
Walking through the forest. Or running.
Whenever I'm with you, baby.
Getting things done.
At home.
Anywhere outside.

4. When you're with your friends, who decides what to do?
I spend all my energy on my kids.
Me. I always know what's going on.
I kinda dig just chillin' in my house.
Whichever of us decides to something cool. And fun. And hot!
Me. I'm more of a loner, actually.
Always me.

5. So are you "with" anyone?
Yes. One partner and one alone.
Nope. I don't like men. I don't like women either. I like me.
No, I am fulfilled without a significant other, thank you.
I have kids.
Old Maid me.
Hell yeah! I'm "with" a lot of people. Heh heh.

6. If you had a billion dollars what would you do all day?
Work. I like my work. Or help other people.
Spend time with my kids.
Get every good-lookin' girl and guy in the club on my arm.
Chill in my house. And help others.
Be rich and powerful - what else?
Hike. Or get in good shape.

7. What would be your dream job?
Being a mother.
Being a wife.
Walking outside all day. And coming home to lovely women who pamper me.
Teaching. One way or another.
Having sex. Or being in love.
Chillin' in my house.

8. Sport of choice?
Wrestling. Boxing. Martial Arts. Fencing.
I don't play. I coach. Or I own the team.
Bed-sport. Or swimming (you should see me ina bikini!)

9. If you were an animal (or bird) what would you be?
Owl or snake.
Anything. I love them all.
Deer or hawk.
Dove or goat.
Peacock or cow.
Calf or phoenix.

10. Fashion sense?

Anything that looks good on me. And I DO do lingirie.
What's comfortable.
I made my own style.
Good for exercising.
I dress for success. There's power in presentation.
I'm a mom. My kids take my clothes and make fun of what I wear.

11. What's your cause?

Big fan of animals. And of taking care of children.
I do what I can to make the people around me happier.
I prefer peace, but if a war is necessary for a just cause, then I'll support that.
The Earth.

1. 你或你的夜晚更猫头鹰"好玩的太阳"式的鹰? 我绝对爱上夜空. 一天都好,因为我可以肯定的控制,但只要是夜,我知道我是男人. 我最喜欢晚上. 哦! 尤其是前一种好温暖火灾. 好,可诱人的黑暗,但我确实认为,我可以有一天多的人. 没什么光辉像太阳透过树. 不过我可以做我的工作.
2. 您认为您的性别? 我喜欢被女孩. 不是女人. 女孩. grrl,如果你喜欢. 身为女人的头脑,你的一切权力. 母亲是一切. 女人可麻烦,我的生命是不错的,但我也不会改变. 我没有通知. 妇女是性感.
3. 如果你是内容? 另一种是在我国重要. 漫步在森林中. 或跑步. 每当我与你的婴儿. 办事情. 在家. 地方外.
4. 当你与你的朋友,他做什么决定? 我用我的全部精力放在孩子. 我. 我一直知道的事. 我刚挖kindachillin'我家. 美决定哪一些清凉. 与乐趣. 与热! 我. 我是一个真正的多,真正. 我总是.
5. 所以你"和"人? 有的. 一、合伙人承担. 你们. 我不喜欢男人. 我不是不喜欢女性. 我喜欢我. 不,我没有完成其他重大谢谢. 我的孩子. 我老女佣. 听到地狱! 我"、"有很多人. hehheh.
6. 如果你有10亿美元你会怎么做整天吗? . 我喜欢我的工作. 或者帮助别人. 花时间与孩子. 使每个好lookin'男生女生,我对俱乐部的手臂. 我家寒意. 并帮助别人. 将富强,我们还有什么? 加. 或取得良好.
7. 你的梦想是什么呢? 当妈妈. 身为妻子. 外面步行一整天. 回家来,我可爱的妇女常. 教学. 有直接或间接的关系. 过性生活. 或者是在爱. Chillin'我家.
8. 体育选择? Frazzlyram. CrossCountry. 摔角. 拳击. 武术. 击剑. 狩猎. 我不起. 我教练. 或者我自己的队. 床的乐趣. 或游泳(大家要见我不可档!)
9. 如果你是一种动物(鸟)是你吗? 猫头鹰或蛇. 什么. 我爱他们. 六、鹰式. 鸽或山羊. 孔雀、牛. 小牛、菲尼克斯.
10. 时尚品味. 凡是我看好. 我这样做,lingirie. 怎么舒服. 我自己的风格. 行使好. 我服成功. 有权力表达. 我是妈妈. 我和孩子们把我的衣服穿上我捉弄.
11. 你是事业? 大动物爱好者. 与照顾孩子. 我做什么,我可以使周围的人快乐. 我喜欢和平,但如果战争是正义的事业需要的话,我就支持. 大地. 爱. 我.
第1个回答  2006-07-23
第2个回答  2006-07-23
100 points deserved
第3个回答  2006-07-23