Pollution problem

Today,there is a picture show in Wenzhou Exhibition Centre.It's a show about the pollution problem on earth.
There is air and water on the earth.There are people,animals and plants on the earth.People have lived on the earth for millions of years.Many years ago,the earthwas clean.But today,there is air pollution,water pollution and land pollution.
People are cutting down the forests.Many plantswild animals,birds and insects live there.People aie
文章是未完:People are killing animals for food and their skins.People are polluting the land,the water and the air.People must stop doing this.We must save the earth.帮忙解释下,还有几个问题
What's on the earth?
What about the earth many years ago?
What about the earth now?
Why is the earth polluted?
what must we do?

1)What's on the earth? 什么在地球上?
Answer: air and water, people,animals and plants on the earth
2) What about the earth many years ago? 许多年前地球上怎么样?
Answer: the earth was clean many years ago
3) What about the earth now? 今天的地球怎么样?
Answer: today,there is air pollution,water pollution and land pollution on the earth.
4) Why is the earth polluted? 地球为何被污染了?
Answer: Because people is cutting down the forest
5)what must we do?我们必须怎么做?
Answer: We much stop cutting the forest
第1个回答  2006-08-01
There is air and water on the earth.There are people,animals and plants on the earth.

Many years ago,the earth was clean.

But today,there is air pollution,water pollution and land pollution.

People are cutting down the forests.Many plants,wild animals,birds and insects live there.People are....文章未完
第2个回答  2006-08-01
今天,温州展Centre.it照片显示的表现对地球的污染问题. 有空气和水的Earth.there人、动物和植物的生活earth.people地球上数以百万计的years.many年前,EarthwasClean.but今天有空气污染、水污染和土地污染. 人们砍Forests.manyPlantswild动物、鸟类和昆虫生活there.peopleAIE