

Clear Objective
1. A clear objective is a well-defined goal or target that is easily understood and achieved. In English, the phrase "clear objective" is used to convey a specific and distinct aim.
2. "Clear" in this context means unambiguous or easily perceived, while "objective" refers to a goal or purpose that is intended or set beforehand.
3. For example, when planning an attack, a "targeted strike" with a "clear objective" would be a precise military action aimed at achieving a specific goal, such as preventing the use of chemical weapons or weakening an enemy's capabilities.
4. Similarly, having a "clear objective" in personal aspirations means having a defined goal or dream, like aspiring to become a costume designer when one grows up.
5. It is important to distinguish "target," "objective," and "end" in their meanings. "Target" often refers to a specific aim or bull's-eye, "objective" is used for a goal that is pursued, and "end" generally denotes the ultimate purpose or result of an action or process.