
Choose one of the listed words or phrases to complete each sentence.

consist of in addition on due issue tend on

depend on complain about similar agree on diverse

1.This bill is__issue__next month.

2.Our plan__in addition on__the weather.

3.My sister and I have__similar__ideas on how to raise children.

4.Our dinner__depend on__three courses only.

5.His views are__consist of__to mine.

6.Janet__tend on__get very angry if you bother her.

7.Mary is always__complain about__something. Why can't she be pleasanter?

8.__Due__tax cuts, controls on revenues were taken away.

9.Taxation is the main__agree on__in the parliamentary election.

10.I met the new manager today and found that we__diverse__basic rules.

1. on due (这笔帐下个月到期.)
2. depends on (我们的计划取决于天气.)
3. diverse (我和姐姐在如何抚养孩子的看法上不同.)
4. consists of (我们的晚餐只有三道菜.)
5. similar (他的观点和我的相同. be similar to是固定搭配,所以这道题不要和第三题搞混淆了.)
6. tend to (如果你惹恼了Janet,她很容易发怒. 没有tend on这个短语,应该是打印错误.)
7. complaining about (Mary总是爱抱怨.她就不能快乐点吗? more pleasant才是快乐,而不是pleasanter)
8. In addition to (除了削减税收,国税的控制权也被夺走了. in addition to sth 除了...之外; in addition 副词,而且. 这儿显然应该加一个to)
9. issue (征税是这次议会选举的主要议题. issue n. 议题; v. 发行,出版.)
10. agreed on ( 我今天遇到了新年的经理,发现我们在一些基本原则上达成一致意见. agree on就...达成一致意见)
第1个回答  2006-11-26