卖火柴的小女孩,读后感 用英语翻译出来


买火柴的小女孩悲惨的境遇告诉我:我多幸福。 在这个世界上,有我们这些生活在幸福而快乐的家庭里的孩子,我们有父母的疼爱,有老师的教导,有同学的关心,还有一个温暖的“被窝”在时刻温暖着我们。我们是幸福的,我们要珍惜这幸福快乐的童年,好好地学习知识,学习本领,去圆我们五彩缤纷的梦。
Buy the match girl misery tell me: I am more than happy. In this world, there are those of us living in the happy family of children, we have the love of parents, has teacher's guidance, students care, have a warm "quilt" in themoment warm us. We are happy, we should treasure the happy childhood,to learn knowledge, learning ability, to our circle of colorful dream.