


Adventures of Tom Sawyer "is one of Mark Twain's four masterpieces. Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures. 

Tom is a smart move for the child love, epitomized in his wisdom, tricks, justice, courage and even leadership, and many can be. 









第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-15
Adventures of Tom Sawyer "is one of Mark Twain's four masterpieces. Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures. Tom is a smart move for the child love, epitomized in his wisdom, tricks, justice, courage and even leadership, and many can be. He is a collection of multiple roles, resourceful, compassionate, who resented the attitude of the reality, bent out of bondage, to as outlaws, too chivalric life. Novel shape of Tom Sawyer is a good vision also have trouble with the image of him flesh and blood, life, the reader has left a deep impression. In the aunt's eyes, he is a naughty, naughty, but she has time and again by his "ingenuity" to soften.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-06
adventures of Tom Sawyer "is one of Mark Twain's four masterpieces. Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life。