戴尔笔记本电脑1440r 怎么样

如题,另外灵越系列的1464r 138l如何?与1440r 168r三款相比哪个性价比更高?

推荐 :dell  Studio 思跃 15 (S510533CNW)


英特尔®酷睿™2 双核处理器P8700(2.53GHz, 1066MHz前端总线, 3MB缓存) 

正版 Windows® 7 家庭高级版 64位(简体中文) 


500GB SATA硬盘(7200转) 

15.6" 720p WLED (1366x768) 显示器 含TrueLife™技术和内置200万像素摄像头 

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570, 512MB独立显存

第1个回答  2010-04-30
现在笔记本价格还是比较便宜的 戴尔机器已耐用见长 1464r 138性价比更好点本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-02

How To Find A Debt Consolidation Service Online

How To Find A Debt Consolidation Service Online

People are generally unaware that you can consolidate your debt online and only consider working with counseling agencies that are either far away or offer rates that are not very competitive. If you wish to consolidate your debt,ghd, you can do it from home! Many financial websites can guide your to companies that specialize in debt consolidation and can also give you guidance about managing your money, making a budget and learning to save.Once you have chosen a debt consolidator online,ghd, your counselor will do an assessment of your personal financial situation and instruct you on the best course of action to take.Once you have decided on which solution is best for your situation they will help you set up your online debt consolidation plan. In order to do this you will need to have your unsecured debt information handy so that you have all of your account numbers and most recent balances easily accessible. You will also need to have your household income and expenditures together so that you can set up your own personal household budget.Once your budget is set, you will know how much of your pay can go towards paying down your debt with your debt consolidation. Then your debt consolidation counselor will contact each of your creditors and negotiate with them about how much you can afford to pay them each month. Often they can also help reduce your interest rates,ghd IV Styler, late payment fees and over limit fees.After all this is done you will be able to make one payment each month to the debt consolidation company and they will in turn pay each of your creditors.This way your creditors can be assured of receiving payments each month from you and you can have the peace of mind of knowing that all your bills are paid each month.So, how do you find an online debt consolidation company? Using any popular search engine you can search for ‘personal credit counselors’, ‘debt management services’,cheap GHD Hair Straighteners, ‘financial education services’ and ‘debt consolidation services’.It’s best to get a handle on your finances as soon as you realize there is a problem. The worst thing you can do is stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away, because it won’t. It will only get worse until you take the initiative and do something about it. Good luck!

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