either or的就近原则是怎样就近的


在英语中,"either…or…"结构遵循一个重要的规则,即谓语动词应与最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致,这被称为"就近原则"。比如,句子"Either you or I am going there tomorrow." 中,"am"紧邻"you",因此使用"am"。当变为一般疑问句,如"Are either you or I going there tomorrow?",助动词"are"与"you"对应。

同样,"Either you or he has lunch at school." 的疑问句形式为"Do either you or he have lunch at school?",这里的"have"与"you"保持一致。"Either…or…"表达的是两者中选择一个,例如"When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances.",这里的"sings"和"dances"都与单数第三人称的"she"保持一致。

否定形式中,只需将"either…or…"替换为"neither…nor…",如"Neither you nor she is good at drawing."。"Either"也可以单独使用,如"Either side of the street has many shops",意味着两侧都有商店。

在否定句末,"either"用于强调两者都不,如"If you don't go there, I won't either." 这样就明确了两者在条件上的同步性。总结来说,"either…or…"的使用要根据最近主语的属性来决定动词的形式。