

门诊护士办公室:Outpatient Nurse's Office
门诊办公室:Outpatient Office
儿科厕所:Children's Toilet
儿科候诊:Pediatric Waiting Room
儿科门诊:Pediatric Outpatient Department
输液室:Transfusion Room
小儿注射:Child Injection Room
男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所:Male/Female/Disabled Toilet
饮水间:Drinking Water Room
急诊化验室:Emergency Laboratory
急诊X光室:Emergency X-ray Room
急疗室:Emergency Therapy Room
抢救室:Resuscitation Room
外科治疗室:Surgical Therapy Room
急诊妇产科:Emergency Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
急诊内科:Emergency Internal Medicine Department
急诊外科:Emergency Surgery Department
急诊儿科:Emergency Pediatrics Department
急诊候诊:Emergency Waiting Room
急诊收费挂号:Emergency Registration & Cashier Office
急诊药房:Emergency Pharmacy
急诊手术室:Emergency Operating Room
主任办公室:Director's Office
急诊值班室:Emergency Duty Room
洗手间(男/女):Male/Female Toilet
洗涤室:Washing Room
药库主任办公室:Pharmacy Store Director's Office
血透室:Hemodialysis Room
药库:Pharmacy Store
急诊观察室:Emergency Observation Room
出入院处:Admission and Discharge Department
医学整形科:Plastic Surgery Department
整形室:Plastic Surgery Room
中医科:Traditional Chinese Medicine Department
内顷慧败科:Internal Medicine Department
脑外科:Cerebral Surgery Department
神经外科:Neurosurgery Department
胸外科:Thoracic Surgery Department
普外科:General Surgery Department
伤科:Trauma Department
骨科:Orthopedics Department
肛肠外科:Anorectal Surgery Department
泌尿外科:Urology Department
膀胱镜室:Cystoscopy Room
石膏室:Plaster Cast Room
换药室:Dressing Change Room
拍片室:X-ray Room
碎石室:Stone Crushing Room
DSA:Digital Subtraction Angiography
ICU:Intensive Care Unit
主任办公室:Director's Office
护士站:Nursing Station
皮肤科:Dermatology Department
激光冷冻室:Laser and Cryotherapy Room
皮外手术室:Dermatology Surgery Room
检查治疗室:Consulting and Therapeutic Room
性病专科:Venereology Department
诊室:Consulting Room
口腔科:Stomatology Department
口腔诊室:Dental Consulting Room
耳鼻喉科:ENT Department
窥镜室:Endoscopy Room
治疗室:Therapy Room
听觉诱发电位室:Auditory Evoked Potentials Department
测听室:Audiometry Room
诊室:Consulting Room
小手术室:Outpatient Operation Room
眼科:Ophthalmology Department
治疗室:Therapy Room
诊室:Consulting Room
弱视治疗室:Amblyopia Therapy Room
小手术室:Outpatient Operation Room
门诊妇产科:Outpatient Gynecology and Obstetrics Department
诊室:Consulting Room
检查室:Examination Room
人工流产室:Induced Abortion Room
产前检查室:Prenatal Care Room
人流休息室:Rest Room for Induced Abortion
实验区:Experimentation Area
免疫室:Immunology Laboratory
质控室:Quality Control Room
细菌检验室:Bacteriology Laboratory
生化室:Biochemistry Laboratory
血液室:Blood Laboratory
洗涤室:Washing Room
标本接手区:Specimen Handling Area
产科病区:Obstetrics Department
产房:Labor and Delivery Room
储藏室:Store Room
女更衣室:Female Dressing Room
洗婴室:Baby Bathing Room
配置室:Preparation Room
护士值班室:Nursing Duty Room
妇检室:Gynecological Examination Room
胎心监护室:Fetal Monitoring Room
待产室:Labor Room
抢救室:Resuscitation Room
医生办公室:Doctor's Office
贵宾候诊室:VIP Waiting Room
诊室:Consulting Room
内镜区:Endoscopy Department
纤维镜室:Fiberoptic Endoscopy Room
胃镜室:Gastroscopy Room
胃镜办公室:Gastroscopy Office
仪器室:Instrument Room
肠镜室:Enteroscopy Room
彩超区:Color Doppler Ultrasound Department
彩超室:Color Doppler Ultrasound Room
动态心电图室、血压室:Dynamic ECG and Blood Pressure Monitoring Room
心电图室:Electrocardiogram Room
乳房仪室:Breast Screening Unit
TCD:Transcranial Color Doppler
肌电图室:Electromyography Room
B超室:B-mode Ultrasound Room
脑电图室:Electroencephalogram Room
国际学术报告厅:International Academic Report Hall
病理区:Pathology Department
档案室:Record Room
主任办公室:Director's Office
诊断室:Diagnosis Room
制片室:Slide Preparation Room
细胞室:Cell Room
技术室:Technical Room
手术室:Operating Room
洗涤室:Washing Room
手术动态显示房:Operating Room with Dynamic Display
服务台:Information Desk