


Environmental Protection
What are we going to do about environmental protection? We just have nothing to do, since we are not the major characters to cause the problem, someone may claim. Yet I still want to tell you that there is something we can do.

I read a magazine recently and discovered an article, whose writer gives out the detail information of what we can do to relieve the environmental pollutions.

Here I will introduce some to you. First, two centigrade lower in winter and two higher in summer. The air-conditioner has a great matter on the greenhouse effect, so please do it in your reach. Second, never keep your TV set or computer awaiting so that you can save 40% of the extra energy. Third, keep your refrigerator away from the stoves or something like that. It will cost more electricity to cooling down stuffs if it is located near a heat. Forth, you should eat less beef, eat more vegetables and change beef to pork. Cows are the animals exhausting the largest amount of firedamp (CH4), which is also one of the causes of greenhouse effect. And finally, what a common person can do is to tell others about this information, and I think it will be an easy job for everyone to do this.

Yes, we have more to do, and before we can do more, we’d better do a little first. Do not be indifferent with environment protection! You are the right savior!
第1个回答  2010-05-30
Because of the peopel ,the environment is wose and worse. Many years ago ,there were many trees and flowers on the earth .And the birds lived happily in the forest . The air was free . There was no polution in the world . Because the peopel in that year were only monkies . They know nothing . But now . Peopel make a lot of modern things . And their lives become better and better . Everyone never think about the future , so they ask the earth for everything . Because of this ,our environment become worse . Someone maybe knows the reson of this problem . And they really do something to protect our environment . It is a serious problem . Everyone should try our best to protect our conmon home . That is all . Please belive me . Protecting the environment is the best way to save our own lifes . So , have a try .


第2个回答  2010-05-27
环保?什么是环保呢?就是保护环境、节约能源等。保护环境,就要从我做起,难道你想让地球爷爷不是呼吸新鲜的空气,而是每天“咳嗽”?难道你想让地球爷爷不是聆听美妙的音乐,而是听那高达几百分贝的噪音?难道你想让地球爷爷每天脏兮兮的,而不是每天干干净净的?不,你不想。你肯定希望地球呼吸新鲜的空气,聆听美妙的音乐和每天干干净净的。 请不要砍伐树木,因为他们在哭泣。小树在为人们做贡献,她使我们呼吸新鲜的空气,还很美观,洪灾来了可以挡住洪水,我们不能乱砍伐小树,他们也会疼,也会哭泣。也不要乱扔垃圾,因为垃圾也有一个“家”——垃圾筒,他们也要回家,如果他们不回家,他们的爸爸妈妈会着急的。垃圾扔在外面,老爷爷老奶奶绊了一跤怎么办呀?如果把香蕉皮、西瓜皮扔在路上,别人踩了一脚滑倒了怎么办呀?所以,我们不能乱扔垃圾,要把他们扔到“家”里去。现在为了减少白色垃圾,保护环境,国家下了一个“限塑令”,从六月一日开始,不能使用塑料袋,只能使用环保袋、购物袋等东西购物。减少了塑料袋的使用量,也要“节能减排”,节能减排就是节约用电、水等资源,还要减少排放量。我们都要做到保护环境,人人做起。为了我们有一个美好的家园,我们一定要保护环境!


Environmental protection? What is the environmental protection? Is to protect the environment and save energy. Protection of the environment, we must start from, do you want the earth is not a breath of fresh air grandfather, but every day "cough"? Do not you want the earth to listen to wonderful music grandfather, but Listen up to hundreds of decibels of noise? Do you want every day Earth Grandpa dirty, not clean the day? No, you do not want. You definitely want the earth to breathe fresh air, listen to wonderful music and every day it completely. Please do not cut down trees, because they cry. Small trees for people to contribute, she makes us a breath of fresh air, very beautiful, you can block flooding to the flood, we can not indiscriminately cut down trees, they will hurt, would cry. Do not throw garbage, because garbage is also a "home" - the trash, they have to go home, if they do not go home, their parents will be in a hurry. Garbage thrown outside, tripped grandfather grandmother how to do it? If the banana peel, watermelon rind thrown into the street, someone stepped on his foot slipped on how to do it? Therefore, we can not throw garbage, they should throw a "family" go. Now in order to reduce the white trash, protecting the environment, the state under a "plastic limit order", beginning from June 1, can not use plastic bags, can only use the green bags, shopping bags and other stuff shopping. Reducing plastic bag usage, as well as "energy saving", energy conservation is to conserve electricity, water and other resources, but also to reduce emissions. We have to do to protect the environment, everyone starts. For we have a beautiful home, we must protect the environment!

"The real test of our contribution to the environment is not words but action." Although we do not make a great contribution to society, but we can protect the environment. In the warm cradle - grassland rest; the kind of smile - the sky to grow in the love of the source - river