

第1个回答  2022-10-03
请问一般打电话找人,会说些什么英文的句子呢? A: Hello
may(can) I talk/speak to John please? or Hello
is John there please? or Hello
I'm looking for John. B: Hello
this is John. or Hello
speaking. or Hello
sorry John is not around or Hello
John is on another line (John在答另一个电话) or Hello
we have o John here
which one are you looking for? or Hello
I don't know anyone names John here
I'm afraid you may have dialed the wrong number. Hope the above examples are sufficient.
I agreed.
Can I speak to XXX
你讲:May I speak to xxx(人名) please??? 如果佢系
就会话:speaking (如果佢唔系
就会话:Hold on please) 如果佢讲左''speaking''. 咁你就要讲:hello~xxx(人名).This is xxx(自己个名). 跟住就讲你想讲既野^^
参考: 英文课堂~!
may i speak to XXX
I call the people !!! people mean He and She and They 都得 2007-03-16 21:52:56 补充: I call the people to do somethings 都得