

使用材料:使用简单的日常英语词汇,基本句型,词汇如:people,family, dad,mom,grandfather,grandmother,brother,sister等等。

参考范文:英语冠军里的     Meet Lisa's family

Hi! I'm Lisa. I'm 14 years old. There are 5 people in my family. I have one brother, but I don't have any sisters. Let me tell you about my family.

This is a picture of my mom. Can you guess what her job is? Yes! She is a police officer. Her job is exciting!

In this picture, you can see my dad. He is a nurse. Man can be nurses too! Dad likes working at the hospital. He can help many people.

Look at this picture! This is my grandmother. She's a bus driver. She can drive really fast.

Oh! That is my brother, Mike. Mike and I are students. I like my family.





第1个回答  2017-09-29





I have a small family of three people and we live happily in a small house but big enough for the three of us together. My father's name is XXX. He is a XXX(职业). He works from morning to night rarely stay with his wife and son/daughter. He is being very serious all the time, rarely smile neither. However, I know he is trying his best to support this family he loves.My mather's name XXX. She is a XXX/housewife. Her works don't seem to be easier then my father's work but is actually harder. She is the key of the family. Cleaning the rooms, cooking, planning a birthday party...... She is doing everything she can to make a happy family. I love my parents. To me, they are the best in the world.

第2个回答  2017-10-21


    首先要先介绍自己,然后写自己家庭有多少人,这里很重要大多人会写错,假设家里有5人:Hello,my name is xxxx.There are five people in my family.注意family不要写成复数families。

    然后根据家里有多少人简单介绍,介绍他(她)几岁,是什么职业:My father is 37 years old.He is a worker.

    介绍完家庭成员以后字数也差不多够了,最后再写一句我爱我家:I love my family.

第3个回答  2018-01-04

你可以介绍家里一共有几个人 他们分别是你的谁谁谁




第4个回答  2017-08-12
1. 首先介绍家庭成员 人数 与你的关系 现居住地等
For example, there are four members in my family. My parents, my youger brother and me. We are living happily at my parents' apartment in Beijing now.
2. 简单描述成员外貌特征
My father is tall and athletic. He has short hair and mustache. My mum is short and she has curved hair. I am slim and pale. My brother is a little bit overeight but he is cute.
3. 介绍成员的职业 兴趣 和个性特点
For intance, my father is an engineer and he works as a full-time manager at a manufacturing company. My mother is a teacher and she teaches maths at No.1 middle school. I am a university student and I am studying accounting at XX university. My brother is a middle school student and he is studying painting as extra-curriculum activity
4. 可以介绍extended families,比如阿姨,或者爷爷奶奶
We maintain close relationship with our extended family members. We have dinner together almost every weekend.