

凡是有财产的单身汉,必定需要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理,"以这样一句话作为本书的开头,让人不由想到这会是一部清喜剧,来讲一个皆大欢喜的爱情故事。可是如若只为了消遣而读,那么这部《傲慢与偏见》就不会有如此长久的生命力。往往,伟大出自于平凡,奥斯丁就是将她的哲理通过爱情这一人人司空见惯的事物来表达的。乍一看,她讲的是伊丽莎白。班纳特与达西的爱情,但寻遍全书,确丝毫不见热情澎湃的只言词组。难怪《简·爱》的作者夏绿蒂。勃朗特说奥斯丁不知激情为何物,的确,奥斯丁的作品给人的感觉最多的是理智二字。她以理智诠释爱情,虽然没有《呼啸山庄》的生离死别,没有《巴黎圣母院》的生死相随,没有《红与黑》的浪漫热烈,但其所反应的社会现实确是如此一针见血,她讲的是婚姻,却与爱情无关。整理在奥斯丁生活的十八世纪末期大英帝国正处于颠峰时期,而奥斯丁却把视线关注在英国乡间。当时英国乡间的生活在作者看来是惬意悠闲的,纯朴中包含平凡自然,但是整个英国社会的影响力始终波及着乡村,如势利、炫耀、虚荣和对婚姻的看法。当时的婚姻缔结的充要条件是男方有可观的家产,女方有丰厚的嫁妆。于是他们的结合便是幸福,便会为世人所承认接收。诚然,这样的婚姻类似于一种资产合并,以钱作为婚姻的基础,这明智吗?在当时的达官贵人看来这无可非议。于是一切的婚姻要门当户对,此处的门当户对确切地说应是资产相当。于是,一个已婚绅士有一两个情妇,或是贵妇人们有几个消遣的情人也被当时社会所默认。可婚姻仍被冠以\"神圣\"这一词来修饰。注重实际的人们始终以金钱作为信条,金钱至上方为他们的圣经,为之不惜赌上一生的幸福。这样的做法才算理智、清醒。可悲的是钱成了地位的标志、有钱=有教养=有地位=有高尚品格=具备做丈夫的一切条件。当贵妇人或是待嫁的小姐标榜自己的地位、修养、才华、娴静、优雅等等的诸多美德时,她们决不会想到这一切的美德得以形成的资本是钱,她们谈及金钱时,显现出蔑视和鄙夷,却不知自己的婚姻得以缔结不是因为美德,美德只是一件附属品,作为她们丰厚嫁妆的最让人信服的掩饰物。人们以敷衍、奉承、阿谀来祝贺新人,祝他们有钱人终成眷属。在本书中有两个人物是此种婚姻的忠实奴隶。一个是夏绿蒂,一个是韦翰。夏绿蒂从小受到的家庭教育是注重门第、讲究地位。她的父亲威廉。卢卡斯爵士自称与詹姆士宫有莫大联系,这样的吹嘘在乡间邻居间引起的轰动与崇敬已使他的虚荣心十分满足。在这样的熏陶下她与班纳特家的财产继承人柯林斯结了婚。柯林斯不仅为人做作、举止粗俗,唯一可取的便是溜须拍马之功。但他可以继承班纳特家的财产,且自己有一份田地和一份牧师的俸禄。仅仅为了这些,当柯林斯向伊丽莎白求婚失败后的三天中,夏绿蒂一直借看望好友伊丽莎白为由,与柯林斯朝夕相对,终于在第三天使柯林斯向她求婚。她成了柯太太,却不惜失掉伊丽莎白多年的友情。其实她也有不得已的地方,没有丰厚的嫁妆意味着没有幸福的婚姻,年龄颇大的夏绿蒂只有把握住这次对她而言难得的机会。起码,她将来的生活有了着落,可以成为班家大宅未来的女主人。于是,她与认识不到三天的柯林斯结了婚。婚后,她不断忍受着丈夫令人生厌的怪异行为,她唯一的安慰是使她的新家有条不紊,并在世人面前构建一个美满的家庭。生活是残酷的,拥有金钱的代价是失去跟多更为宝贵的东西,比如青春、爱情、幸福、快乐…韦翰是个十足的流氓,他自恃外表轶丽,一心想通过婚姻来发家致富,可是,他忘了婚姻是相互的,金钱的交易也是相互的,读后感《《傲慢与偏见》读后感2000字》。他是个一穷二白的人,自是富家小姐不会光顾。但最终他还是通过不与丽迪亚结婚为要挟,向达西敲诈到了一笔可观的收益。于是又一个婚姻,又一个为了金钱的婚姻铸就了,这次不单出卖了幸福,还有灵魂,韦翰的灵魂被他自己彻底出卖了!婚姻既已变成手段,那幸福也是奢望了。在本书中伊丽莎白一直是以一个正面人物来写的,她理智、活泼、爱打趣,善于对人冷眼旁观并直看穿其心思。书中常有她发表的见解和看法,作者通过她来表达自己的意图和观点,但表面上看来她是爱情的忠实追随者,直到最终获得真爱。但仔细想想也不难发现伊丽莎白或许说作者本身都难以逃出金钱性婚姻的怪圈。首先,作者在安排角色上让达西拥有俊朗的外表、高尚的品格,最重要的是,无论他与伊丽莎白的情节发展多么跌宕起伏,有一点是事实,他是一位年薪一万英镑的绅士,与皇家有密切联系,有自己的庄园、家产、田地,总而言之,达西非常非常富有。所以,伊丽莎白当初拒绝柯林斯求婚的原因很简单--有更好更富有的在后面。同时,伊丽莎白之所以对达西改变态度的转折点是在她看见了达西硕大的庄园之后,彭伯里女主人的称号无可避免的是一种诱惑。正如伊丽莎白所说,她是绅士的女儿,达西是绅士,他们是处在同一阶层的。地位相差并非非常悬殊,更何况,她出自乡绅之家,也算是半个富家小姐,小型的资产合并在所难免。她和达西的婚姻不被达西亲友所接受,只因为达西原可以找一个比她富有得多的妻子罢了。这样的婚姻是一种悲剧,婚后所要面对的残酷现实是免不了的。夏绿蒂在尽力扮演好一位主妇的同时却一直怀念着深爱的昔日情人,她后悔当初因为那人的贫穷而未与之步入教堂,正如她所说:\"没有爱情的婚姻,不管因为受到尊重或者拥有殷实的家产而显得多么荣耀,都比不幸强不了多少。\"韦翰与丽迪亚的夫妻关系名存实亡,伊丽莎白与达西相处和睦,但不断来自邻居、亲友和珈苔琳。德。包尔夫人的冷言冷语,让她心烦意乱。如此的婚姻悲剧在那一时代是很普遍的。究其根本原因,很简单--妇女地位低下。妇女没有工作、没有得以维持生计的能力,只有依靠婚姻这条路来为将来的生活来源做打算。这是解决将来生计的最普遍,也是最行之有效的方法。在本书中,女性的社会角色是很明显的,即便是有钱的太太、小姐们,充当的角色也只是家庭主妇而已。社会中男尊女卑的现象十分严重。如班纳特家中有6个小姐,可是没有男嗣,因而,班纳特家的财产不得不由班纳特先生的侄子继承。这样致使6位班家小姐的嫁妆只有从其母亲当年的嫁妆中分得,嫁妆的卑微常常使的年轻的小姐们不得不选择一条像夏绿蒂那样的路,通过婚姻来为自己将来的温饱作打算,自然会将婚姻视为金钱至上的买卖。如书中所描写的,每一位太太在后半生最大的愿望便是嫁女儿,让她们未来在丈夫的资产庇护下得以生存。因而难怪郡里一旦来了一位有钱的绅士,母亲们便认定他为自己的准女婿。所以当班纳特太太得知伊丽莎白拒绝柯林斯的求婚后十分气愤,责怪女儿不明智。以柯林斯在金钱方面的条件而言,可以保证伊丽莎白将来有安定、温饱的生活,在其母亲看来,放弃这样一棵\"摇钱树\"是一种无理取闹。在她年轻的时候,也是通过婚姻来衣食无忧,现在她更有义务要求女儿们以此获得\"幸福\",没有原因,这只是一种规律,是英国社会当时的婚姻法则。整理没有经济能力的女性在当时的金钱社会中得以舒适生存的唯一办法是,出生前就挑个名门旺族,但这仅凭机缘,更多不幸出生于普通家庭的,便只能向生活屈服。可悲的是,她们从不发现这是社会的弊端,而一直认为是自己出身贫寒。他们没有选择的权利,就像是花瓶,等着有一天被一位出手阔绰的人买走,仅凭运气,与爱情无关。这便是那一时代的资本主义社会,婚姻怪圈只是她金钱至上的一个体现。社会的不平等性在成了那一时代的婚姻典型,享受爱情是一种奢侈,\"现实、生存、理智…\"这些词汇在每个人的头脑中如电影般不断地重复放映,每时每刻提醒你:钱、钱、钱…《傲慢与偏见》通篇是伊丽莎白幽默的俏皮话,可是这种强颜欢笑下,隐藏的却是那一时代人们无尽的苦恼、不满、遗恨。或许不幸太多了,变成了麻木。可是令人羡慕、认可的\"幸福\"背后,堆砌着的又是什么呢?是金钱、麻木、泪水、悔恨、遗憾,或许更多更多,但唯一没有的便是真爱,弥足的真爱…标签:读后感傲慢与偏见  随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益。】
第1个回答  2014-08-06
第2个回答  2020-05-21
“Any library is a good library that does not contain a volume by Jane Austen”, when this words about Jane Austen given by Mark Twin first came upon to me, I was, just in your expectation, a little bit surprised. Gradually, however, when I know more about the characteristics of her works, I think the judgement of Mark Twin makes sense in some degree. Especially after I have finished her work Pride and Prejudice and compared it with the contemporary production The Red and the Black written by Stendhal. Less reflection and exposure on social conflicts among different classes is a big pity for Austen’s works, as well as for the readers. Still, however, Austen’s unique interpretation towards marriage is the distinguished feature of her literary accomplishment. And I want to give some reflection on the different kinds of relationships and marriages in Pride and Prejudice.

Five different types of relationships or marriages, as far as I am concerned, are presented in this book.

The first type, undoubtedly, is the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley. They met at a party and almost fell in love with each other just after their first encounter. Bingley’s wealth and courtesy, Jane’s beauty and tenderness, and the similarities in their personality are all the factors that contribute to the relationship. So, though I believe, actually, there is some kind of love between the young lady and the gentleman, it is not the pure and true love, their combination is not for no intention but for some certain desire. So I would like to call their relationship as “Secular Love”.

Contrasting to the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley, the marriage between Charlotte and Mr.Collins is much less romantic, or no romance at all. One is the Cinderella in reality equipped with no prince, the other is a priest, old and ugly. Their marriage, of course, has no love but compromise. Even Elizabeth thinks “Charlotte the wife of Mr. Collins, was a most humiliating picture!” But what could she do? Just as she said, she is not romantic and she asks only a comfortable home, and this is within Mr. Collins ability. Comparing with being a 27-year-old burden to her family,at least for her, marrying Mr. Collins is the best choice. So as for them, I call “Rational Love” or rather------ “Rational Combination”.

Another couple is Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. Just in the first chapter, I wondered why two people with such different characteristics could live together for 23 years. The wonder disappeared when the explanation was offered by Austen in Chapter 42 about Mr. Bennet’s attitude towards his wife. Captivated by youth and beauty, he married her and very early in their marriage, after knowing the disposition of her, ended his affection and used her ignorance to contribute his amusement, having impropriety of his behavior as a husband. Neither for Mr. Bennet nor for Mrs. Bennet this marriage is quite fair or contented, but both of them should pay, and had already paid the bill of their “Hasty Love”.

Lydia’s relationship with Wickham, to some extent, is similar with her parents’. Mr. Bennet was captivated by the beauty of his wife and Lydia was fascinated by the handsome appearance of Wickham. Compared with her parents’ marriage, however, Lydia’s relationship with Wickham would only turn out a much more unpleasant one, for their marriage is based on the fulfillment of vanity and the desire of property. So I consider their relationship as “Orectic Incorporation”

And finally here comes the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. When I first finished the movie of Pride and Prejudice, I still wondered why there is a love flame between them. One is so proud and the other full of prejudice, but when I read more details about this work, the answer has emerged. “Love”, a word we are so familiar with, but what is love? In Austen’s work, I gradually know that love is not just as abstract as we often regard. Take Elizabeth, for example, her love for Daisy is based on two things: respect and gratitude. She respects his valuable qualities: nobility and kindness, and even Wickham had done something so bad to him and his sister, he still didn’t blame him before others or let him lose all dignity in public. Also, she is grateful to Mr. Darcy, for his love, for his forgiveness about her bad manners when she rejected him, for his help to her sister’s marriage and her family’s fame. And finally, these turned out her attachment, affection and love for him. As for Darcy, his attention to Elizabeth was first on her eyes, full of liveliness, thoughts and pursuits and unlike any other ladies, she is such a unique girl that she didn’t flatter him at all, so for him she is so extraordinary and attractive. And Elizabeth got his respect and love because of her own independence, liveliness and uniqueness. And I regard their relationship as “Spirit Love”.

Austen’s attitude towards marriage, love, status and property can still be used as a reference. Nowadays, fast food culture derives fast-food-style love, although we are in the era of fast changes, it’s better for us to love rationally and independently. Hope everyone has his real, unique love.