

What's happiness is ?
If you feel hungry,you have a bowl of rice even with some dishes. If you feel cold ,you have some clothes to wear .If you feel lonely ,you have some good friends to chat with and so on .That are the samples of happiness. So what's the meaning of happiness ?When your require of something have been met ,you will feel happy . When your parents and any other family members are in good health ,you will feel happy .When you have a well emotion with your wife or husband,you will feel happy .Whether you are fich or not ,you can be hanppy . But mostly, living a simple life is just the happiness although we don't have enough money .
第1个回答  2018-01-13
The happiest thing that I could think of is preparing gifts for my mother.As is known to all,the second Sunday of May is the mother's day.This year,I decided to prepare a surprise for her.I went to the market in the afternoon.And I chose some of my mother's favorite food.Then I returned home and cooked two dishes for her under the help of my fathe.When my mom returned home in the evening,she saw the candles on the table and the card i wrote for her.She was so moved and burst into tears,I never expected her reactions could be like that.My mom have devoted so much for me.But I never expected that such little efforts can make her so happy.My heart is full of sense of achievement and I knew I was the happiest person in the world.
第2个回答  2018-01-13
妈妈只好带我到一百公里远的上饶去学。开始,我兴致勃勃,可时间一久了,就厌倦了,因为学国象可不像我原来想象的那么简单:每天得做棋题、下棋、打谱……,我的课余时间全 被它霸占了!有段时间我甚至都不想学了。但是在妈妈和教练的鼓励下,我还是坚持下来了,并渐渐地爱上了国际象棋。
  暑去寒来,一年过去了,我已经是中国国际象棋棋协的三级棋士了,在大大小小的比赛上获了不少奖,也充分地感受到了下棋的快乐。下棋时,我感觉自己是个运筹帷幄,决胜千里的军师,指挥着千军万 马奋力搏杀。下棋还让我结交了全国各地的朋友,留下了许多美好的回忆。下棋更让我开拓了视野,见识了许多特级大师的精妙棋艺,在PLAYCHESS网上我还跟世界各国的国象爱好者过招呢……