

第1个回答  2018-05-27

The story of rich man and long-term worker

There used to be a rich man here, a rich man hired a long-term worker. At that time it was agreed that the long-term workers, in addition to working in the field, would return home every day, cutting grass to feed the cattle, and would fill the vats in the yard with water. 

Summer night, the weather is sultry, the long worker pulls a reed mat to sleep in the courtyard. Soon an odd thing happened, and the full of water from the straw vat was gone until dawn. For days on end, the rich man suspected that the long-term worker was lazy and wanted to deduct his wages. 

Long-term workers wronged, this water is the first night is full, the next day how can not get up early? That day, the long worker pulled a reed mat and slept by the water tank. He wanted to see what had come here for a drink at night. While the long worker was sleeping, he saw a white horse come running and put its head into the water tank and drank heavily. The long worker looked at the white horse, all body snow white, thought definitely not everything, he wanted to catch the white horse, but no tools, had to pretend to fall asleep. 

The next day he got up early and made a bow and arrow. He pressed a needle on the bow and put a long line on the nose of the needle. When the white horse came back for water in the evening, the long worker put an arrow on the white horse's buttocks, and the white horse ran as soon as it hurt. The long laborer followed the line. The white horse actually ran into a mouse hole under the big locust tree of the master's house. The line dummy just blocked the entrance of the cave, the long worker knew that it was a god horse, quietly left a mark, did not make a sound. 

Later, the rich man's home somehow caught fire. The fortune was burned out. The long worker borrowed the money and bought the land of the rich man's house. Shortly after buying the house, he put down the big locust tree at night. He found the original thread and dug it down until he found a silver horse. The long worker sold the silver horse for a lot of money. He bought a field and built a house, and made a great fortune, and became a rich man. 

In order not to forget the grace of the White Horse, the long-term workers built three temples for the White Horse in the Great Sophora tree, and the original White Horse was molded to offer incense day and night

