

前天,妈妈又对我说:“要不要,妈妈给你生个弟弟妹妹?”这个问题妈妈问过我不下100遍了,如果在以前,我一定会坚定不移的说:“不!”不过最近这个心思好像动摇了一点。于是借晚上睡觉的时间,我好好的想了想—— 要不要弟弟妹妹呢?
Whether or not my brother and sister
The day before yesterday, my mother said to me: "do you want to, my mother gave you a younger brother and sister?" Mother asked me this question is no less than 100 times, if in the past, I will firmly say: "no!" But recently the mind seems to have shaken a bit. So by the time to sleep at night, I would like to think about - whether or not my brother and sister?
I tossed about in his sleep not, heart a voice said: "stop! Stop! If you have brothers and sisters, mother love not pour in the brother and sister. So what do I do? If there is no younger brother and sister, my mother would love me as much as I do now." Then a voice sounded: "well to well, you have brothers and sisters, do not have the Jeff Karstens, every day, I as an idol, good ah. If there is no younger brother and sister, how lonely! Don't you forget that when you are out of school, you can't go far on the way you know." The other voice sounded: "but you want to. If the younger than you clever, is smarter than you, you think he (she) will be a small attendant?" Another voice is not convinced, said: "so what, at least you have a spoof object? Remember those compositions of Yang Mingjie? Remember that Yi sister respectfully with Yi where in the back? Remember Zhao Yining's brother is the face of the face of a kind of both happy and proud of it? Remember.."
Do you want it? Do you want it? ......