

Today is May Day.Jenny‘s mother father and her went to park to have a picnic,and then visited her grandma and grandpa.
In the morning at nine o’clock,they went to park for picnic,they took juice,cornflakes,apples,oranges,lollipops,bananas,ice creams,mangoes,and so on.I also took toys,such as doll,ball,balloon,skateboard and a kite.
In the afternoon at two o’clock,they went to visit her grandma and grandpa.Jenny helped grandpa to do some house work.her sister and her played skateboard and doll.At eight o’clock they went home,and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.
第1个回答  2015-09-23
Hi, this is Jenny! I am glad to share some of my personal interests with you. I am a High school student who still likes pink color. I love dresses are little above my knee height because they are very comfortable and good looking. My best friend, Lily, also loves them. Lily and I promised each other that we are going to wear the dress together on the first day of school.