
X80钢是我国西气东输二线工程采用的主体材料。在土壤可溶性盐分中,氯离子是土壤中腐蚀性最强的一种阴离子,它能破坏金属的钝态,加快金属腐蚀的阳极过程,并能透过金属腐蚀层和钢铁生成可溶性产物。本文采用浸泡方法研究了氯离子浓度对X80钢在1mol/LNa2CO3 + 0.5 mol/LNaHCO3高pH值土壤模拟溶液中的腐蚀行为,研究了退火处理后的X80钢在含Cl-的溶液中的腐蚀性,并通过金相显微镜观察了腐蚀形貌。结果表明:氯离子对X80钢腐蚀的影响显著,随着溶液中氯离子浓度的增加,X80钢的均匀腐蚀速率也逐渐增加,点蚀数量增多;经650℃保温3小时的热处理后,退火后的X80钢比供货状态下的均匀腐蚀速率增加,点腐蚀数量增多,耐蚀性有所下降。


X80 steel is used in China's West-East Gas Pipeline Project subject material. Chloride is the most corrosive anion in the soil with soluble salt, It can damage the passive metal, accelerate the anodic process of metal corrosion, and it can provide a layer of metal corrosion and formation of soluble iron and steel products. This was studied by immersion of chloride ion concentration on X80 steel in 1mol/LNa2CO3 + 0.5 mol/LNaHCO3 simulated solution of high soil pH values in the corrosion behavior, under annealing treatment, the X80 steel in the solution containing Cl- corrosive, and observed by optical microscopy morphology of corrosion. The results show that, Chloride ions on the corrosion of X80 steel was significantly, as the concentration of chloride ions in solution increases, X80 steel corrosion rate increased gradually, the number of pitting is increased. After 650 ℃ for 3 hours heat treatment, the uniform corrosion rate of X80 steel after annealing is increased by the supplier state, the number of pitting is increased and corrosion resistance decreased.
第1个回答  2010-06-10
Steel is X80 west-east gas transmission project adopts the main material second. In soil soluble salt, corrosive chlorine ion in the soil is one of the strongest of anion, it can destroy metal, metal corrosion speed blunt the anode, and through the metal corrosion and steel products. Generate soluble This is studied by soaking method of chloride ion concentration in LNa2CO3 X80 steel 1mol / + 0.5 mol/LNaHCO3 high pH value of the corrosion behavior of soil simulation solution are studied, after annealing treatment in the Cl - X80 steel corrosion, and the solution was observed by metalloscope corrosion morphology. Results: chloride ions to X80 steel corrosion, with significant influence on the solution of chlorine ion concentration increases, the uniform corrosion rate X80 steel increases gradually increasing number; the pitting, After three hours of 650 degrees c after heat preservation, annealed X80 steel than supply condition, uniform corrosion rate increased corrosion quantity, corrosion resistance decrease