
Animals , especially cats and dogs , are often kept as pets and they can be very good friends of humans . Here are two true stories about a cat and a dog .
At Jesus College , Cambridge University , concerns are growing for the safety of a pet cat which has gone missing .
Students and lectures of the college have not seen college cat Benson for three weeks . The 600 students at the college have been asked to search their rooms and keep an eye open for him . The grey and white cat has become an institution at the college . He is officially a member of the college , an honor which includes dining right . He is well known for wandering in and interrupting tutorials .
A spokesman for the college says appeals for help in tracing Benson have not produced any information . He urges anyone who might see that cat to contact the college .
In Lexingtong , Kentucky , a dog , named Jo Jo , was hit by a car . His master Steve Ford searched frantically (疯狂似地)for him but Jo Jo was nowhere to be found . Ford called the local animal hospital to tell them that Jo Jo had been injured and that he was going to bring him in if he could find him . That’s when he found out Jo Jo was already there .
“ He just cheeked himself in , I guess ,”Ford said .
After the accident , Jo Jo apparently(显然) ran about a mile from Ford’s home to the animal hospital . He suffered bruises (淤伤)but no broken bones .
6. Why is the cat missed by a lot of people ?
A. He is very popular with the teachers and students at Jesus College .
B. He belongs to the president of the college .
C. He is a wise and knowledgeable cat .
D. He is often seen wandering on campus .
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The cat has been missing for three weeks .
B. The cat has become a member of the college .
C. Other people were called on to help find the cat .
D. Finally the cat was found by a spokesman .
8. Where was the dog when his master contacted the animal hospital ?
A. He was already at Ford’s home .
B. He was already at the hospital .
C. He was lying in the road with his bones broken .
D. He was nowhere to be found .
9. How seriously was the dog injure ?
A. His back was covered in bruises . B. His right leg was broken .
C. He had a few bruises but there was nothing serious . D. He suffered a heavy loss of blood .
10. What is the main idea of the two stories ?
A. Humans should be friendly to animals . B. Humans and animals are great friends .
C. Humans care greatly for their pets . D. Humans are cleverer than animals .

Animals , especially cats and dogs , are often kept as pets and they can be very good friends of humans . Dr.eye: 动物,特别是猫和狗,经常被作为宠物饲养,他们可能是人的非常好的朋友。 Here are two true stories about a cat and a dog . Dr.eye: 这是两个真实的关於一只猫和一条狗的故事。
At Jesus College , Cambridge University , concerns are growing for the safety of a pet cat which has gone missing . Dr.eye: 在耶稣学院,剑桥大学,关系到适合哪个有失踪的一倍受关注的猫的安全增长。
Students and lectures of the college have not seen college cat Benson for three weeks . Dr.eye: 学生和学院的演讲不看见学院猫班森适合3 周。 The 600 students at the college have been asked to search their rooms and keep an eye open for him . Dr.eye: 600个学生在学院已经被要求搜寻他们的房间并且为他保持一只眼睛张开。 The grey and white cat has become an institution at the college . Dr.eye: 灰色和白色的猫已经在学院成为一个机构。 He is officially a member of the college , an honor which includes dining right . Dr.eye: 他官方是一名学院的成员,包括吃饭的一种荣誉正确。 He is well known for wandering in and interrupting tutorials . Dr.eye: 他以而著称徘徊在并且打断指导课。
A spokesman for the college says appeals for help in tracing Benson have not produced any information . Dr.eye: 一的发言人学院说请求在跟踪班森的帮助没生产任何讯息。 He urges anyone who might see that cat to contact the college . Dr.eye: 他催促可以看见那只猫与学院联系的任何人。
In Lexingtong , Kentucky , a dog , named Jo Jo , was hit by a car . Dr.eye: 在Lexingtong,肯塔基,一条狗,命名乔‧乔,被一辆汽车撞击。 His master Steve Ford searched frantically (疯狂似地)for him but Jo Jo was nowhere to be found . Dr.eye: 他的大师史蒂夫‧福特紧急搜寻(? Dr.eye: ? Dr.eye: ? Dr.eye: ? Dr.eye: )对他来说,乔‧乔无处发现。 Ford called the local animal hospital to tell them that Jo Jo had been injured and that he was going to bring him in if he could find him . Dr.eye: 福特叫本地动物医院告诉他们乔‧乔已经受伤,他将要把他带进, 他能找到他。 That's when he found out Jo Jo was already there . Dr.eye: 那是他发现乔‧乔已经在那里的时间。
“ He just cheeked himself in , I guess ,”Ford said . Dr.eye: 自己他刚刚顶撞在,我猜测说的军械。
After the accident , Jo Jo apparently(显然) ran about a mile from Ford's home to the animal hospital . Dr.eye: 在之后事故,乔乔显然(? Dr.eye: ? Dr.eye: ) 从福特的家到动物医院跑大约一英里。 He suffered bruises (淤伤)but no broken bones . Dr.eye: 他遭受撞伤(? Dr.eye: ? Dr.eye: )但是没有弄断的骨头。
6. Why is the cat missed by a lot of people ? Dr.eye: 6. 猫为什麼许多人想念?
A. Dr.eye: A . He is very popular with the teachers and students at Jesus College . Dr.eye: 他非常受教师和耶稣学院的学生欢迎。
B. Dr.eye: B . He belongs to the president of the college . Dr.eye: 他属於学院的总统。
C. Dr.eye: C . He is a wise and knowledgeable cat . Dr.eye: 他是一只聪明和知识渊博的猫。
D. Dr.eye: D。 He is often seen wandering on campus . Dr.eye: 他经常被看见徘徊在大学校园上。
7. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? Dr.eye: 7. 下列陈述中的哪个根据通路不真实?
A. Dr.eye: A . The cat has been missing for three weeks . Dr.eye: 猫丢失了3 周。
B. Dr.eye: B . The cat has become a member of the college . Dr.eye: 猫已经成为一名学院的成员。
C. Dr.eye: C . Other people were called on to help find the cat . Dr.eye: 其他人被要求帮助找到猫。
D. Dr.eye: D。 Finally the cat was found by a spokesman . Dr.eye: 最后一位发言人发现猫。
8. Where was the dog when his master contacted the animal hospital ? Dr.eye: 8. 当他的主人与动物医院联系时,狗在那里?
A. Dr.eye: A . He was already at Ford's home . Dr.eye: 他已经在福特的家。
B. Dr.eye: B . He was already at the hospital . Dr.eye: 他已经在医院。
C. Dr.eye: C . He was lying in the road with his bones broken . Dr.eye: 他正用弄断的他的骨头躺在道路。
D. Dr.eye: D。 He was nowhere to be found . Dr.eye: 他将无处被发现。
9. How seriously was the dog injure ? Dr.eye: 9. 狗严重怎样,这受伤吗?
A. Dr.eye: A . His back was covered in bruises . Dr.eye: 他的背覆盖撞伤。 B. Dr.eye: B . His right leg was broken . Dr.eye: 他的右腿被摔断。
C. Dr.eye: C . He had a few bruises but there was nothing serious . Dr.eye: 他有一些撞伤,但是有没什麼。 D. Dr.eye: D。 He suffered a heavy loss of blood . Dr.eye: 他遭受大的失血。
10. What is the main idea of the two stories ? Dr.eye: 10. 两个故事的主要想法是什麼?
A. Dr.eye: A . Humans should be friendly to animals . Dr.eye: 人应该赞成动物。 B. Dr.eye: B . Humans and animals are great friends . Dr.eye: 人和动物是真正的朋友。
C. Dr.eye: C . Humans care greatly for their pets . Dr.eye: 人对於他们的宠物来说非常关心。 D. Dr.eye: D。 Humans are cleverer than animals . Dr.eye: 人比动物聪明。
第1个回答  2010-06-16
6. A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B




在Kentuck州的Lexingtong,一只叫做JOJO的狗被车撞了。他的主人Steven Ford疯狂的寻找它但却在哪里也没有找到。他给当地在宠物医院打电话告诉他们JOJO受伤了并且他一找到它就会送它去医院。就在这时他发现JOJO已经在医院了。



6. 为什么这么多人想念这只猫?
A. 他在Jesus学院非常受老师和学生们的欢迎
B. 它是院长的猫
C. 它是一只聪明而博学的猫
D. 它经常被看见在校园了漫步
选 A

7. 根据这篇文章,下面那个选项不正确
A. 这只猫已经失踪3个星期了
B. 这只猫已经成为学院的一分子了
C. 学院以外的人也被请求去帮忙寻找这只猫
D. 这只猫被最后被学院的一名发言人找到
选 D

8. 当它的主人凉席宠物医院时这只狗在哪?
A. 它已经在福特家里
B. 它已经在医院
C. 它骨折了,正躺在路上
D. 任何地方都找不到它
选 B

9. 这只狗伤得有多严重?
A. 它的背部布满瘀伤
B. 它的右腿断了
C. 它有几处瘀伤但并不严重
D. 它大量失血
选 C

10. 这两个故事的主旨是什么?
A. 人类应该友善的对待动物
B. 人类和动物是极好的朋友
C. 人们非常在意他们的宠物
D. 人比动物更加聪明
选 B