
I am glad that you got the message i sent you in that site. How is everything around you? i guess that you are well. My name is Miss Maldaline Joy Dion, My age is 24 years and my height is 5.8 ft and my weight is 50. I am the only child of of Late Dr. Aibo Dion from Ivory Coast</ span> in west Africa</ span></ span></ span></ span>, who died during the war in my country last two years . My father was the personal adviser to our former head of state.
President Konan Bedie

My father is the owner of this cocoa farm in Kolabadougou village and personal assistant to former head of state, president Konan Bedie on Agricultural.

During the political conflict in our country the rebels attacked him and killed and burnt both him and my mother inside our home town in Kolabadougou. I was in my first year in the university studying nursing. I got the news and was afraid and one of a friend took me to a neighboring country Senegal in the same West Africa and told me declare myself a refugee because i was afraid and almost got mad. Some good samaritans took me to one orphanage and remind home This is were i am since 2008 as a refugee.

I thought that i will come out from here but i have find out that i need some documents to be freed from here which i cannot get for now. I have something confidential to tell you but before then, I will like to know whom you are more, I want to know your real name? what you do for a living? the name of your country and where you are residing now? and how old you are? your likes and dislikes? remember that you caught my attention in that site that was why i wrote you at the first time.

This is some of my pictures. I will like to see your own pictures and My likes are sincerity and honesty and my dislikes are lying and fake life and selfishness. I hope to hear from you.
Awaiting for your reply soonest!
from my heart,
Miss Joy Dion.

很高兴你收到了我在网站上给你留的信息。你周围的一切都好吗?我想你一定很好。我的名字是Maldaline Joy Dion小姐。我今年24岁,身高5.8英尺,体重50.我是Late Dr. Aibo Dion的唯一的孩子。Late Dr. Aibo Dion来自西非的象牙海岸,死在前两年我国的战争期间。我的父亲是前国家领袖Konan Bedie总统的私人顾问。
乔伊 黛恩 女士
第1个回答  2010-06-01
我很高兴你得到这个消息,我送你的网站。你周围的一切都还好吗?我猜想你很好。我的名字是Maldaline小姐,我的年龄是欢乐达24岁,身高和体重是5.8英尺是50。我是家里唯一的孩子的患病的来自象牙海岸戴恩欧宝> < /跨度在西非> < < /跨跨> < /跨度> >,< < /跨度那些在战争中死亡在我国最后两年。我的父亲是私人顾问给我们以前的国家元首。
总统Konan Bedie

我的父亲是这里的主人在Kolabadougou村,可可农场的私人助理前国家元首,总统Konan Bedie农业。


