写一篇120词的英语作文不要网上复制 题目: Don't be afraid of failure


Don't be afraid oF failure
It is well known that failure is common in our life. Almost all of us have experienced failure on our way to life. When we suffer from failure, we have different ways to face it. Some of us become so disappointed that they may give in to failure and escape from it. But some others will consider failure as a challege and bravely face it. They will draw their lessons from their failure and go on with what they are doing until the achieve the final success.
As the old saying goes,“Failure is the mother of success.”One won't know the valure of success until he fails. The world is originaly full of competition, failure and success. It is because of these that this world can (make ) progress and be teeming with vigor and vitality. The way to success is filled with various kinds of difficulties and obstacles. We should rise to the challenges bravely. In fact, in the world of science, many import inventions or discoveries were made after many failures. So only those who are not afraid of failure have the possibility to reach the peak of success.
第1个回答  2016-06-15
放学以后,我以最快的速度飞奔到家里。一进门,我就一屁股坐在桌前。我又是读课文,又是提问题;又是列提纲,又是查资料……等我把一切都预备的差不多了,又去试着背诵列好的提纲。忙完了一切,我都快累出了汗。 看着繁乱的书桌,我才理解到老师是多么辛苦。虽然我忙活了这么长时间,可是上课的时候却出了很多差错。上讲台时,我心里七上八下的没底,怕出了洋相不好下台。等其他“老师”大汗淋漓地下来以后,我就捏着一把汗走上了讲台。站在讲台上,我看见所有“学生”都用期待的眼光齐刷刷地盯着我,不免有一种紧张感。为了避免更加紧张,我把视线转向其他地方。我无意中一瞟,发现他们有几个抿着嘴在底下偷笑,连我的“死党”也不例外,似乎在嘲笑我。这一来, 我慌了神,手足无措,把准备好的台词都给忘的差不多了,头上也渗出了细微的汗珠。我强迫自己镇定下来,根据书上的内容,勉勉强强上了一部分。不过他们听得也蛮认真的,还比较配合我,使我慢慢进入了状态。可我在提出问题时,难题出来了:他们鸦雀无声,没有一个人回答我的问题。我有些忐忑不安,原来就红得像苹果一样的脸更红了,火燎燎地烫;被汗水浸湿的手也不停地搓揉着衣角。我害怕的事终于发生了。在安静了一段时间后,我想:我应该随机应变,不能再这样下去了,在这样尴尬下去,可就真的下不了台了。于是我接过问题:“问题的答案就在书中……”


第2个回答  2017-07-11
It's known that failure is the mother of success. Life is made up with success and failure. No one is always success and no one is always faled. Everyone experiences failure in his or her life and everyone likes success not failure. It is true that failure is an important factor toward success. Don't be afraid of failure. On the contrary, we can learn a lot from it and may be successful in the end. You must remember that you have not really failed until you accept defeat. So we should not lose courage and learn to draw a lesson from the failure, we will succeed in doing everything.