

我们迎来了开学以来的第一次月考,我的心里很复杂,说不清是什么滋味。 月考的前天晚上,我坐在书桌前,一遍又一遍的复习老师讲过的内容,做各种复习卷,就盼着月考能考个好成绩。 回想以前,以前我对学习中抱着一种不冷不热的态度,心情好就读,心情不好就不去理睬。可是随着时间的推移,我逐渐对这种态度感到排斥。因为我长大了,知道了什么叫做“为自己活着才有意义。”可是当我知道自己错了的时候考试却来临了,这是我又像那爬在热锅上的蚂蚁--团团转,怎么半呢?就要考试了,我还有许多的知识没掌握牢固。 ··· ··· 试卷就像一面镜子,反映出我平常的薄弱环节。通过这次考试,我发现了自己的地理有很大的空洞,许多环节没有掌握。 这次月考我不但感到了自己学习的退步,更感到由于以往不努力学习,以致根基不扎实。 知识是靠日积月累的,我们不可能在极短的时间内,把大量的知识灌输入到大脑里去。“三天一打鱼两天一晒网”这样只会一事无成的。因此,一定要做到定时定量学习。学习的时候,又不会的提就要去问老师,做到今天的功课今天除。 这次月考,给了我一个下马威,我反思了不足,也同时激发了努力拼搏下去的勇气和力量,明确了以后进步的方向,树立了信心。我相信,以后考试我一定会取得更好的成绩,不会辜负老师和家长对我的希望!追答

scores are undoubtedly important for students. so today when i saw the score, 96,on my chinese test paper, my happiness was beyond words. i believed that mum would also be very happy and perhaps she would reward me.

as soon as i got home, i raised the test paper before mum and said proudly, "mum, look at my score!" out of my expectation,mum said calmly, "good, but i hope you can find out the reason why four points were taken away." hearing the words, i stood in amazement at first. then i understood mum's words and nodded with all my strength.

then iunderstood that the most important thing that we get from examinations is not whether we have got high scores but whether we know what we have grasped and what we haven't.



第1个回答  2014-10-19