

Tony and I are goodl fnenals. He is English. I' m Chinese.He is goodl at geography, but I am not good at it. So healways helps me lean geography. We get along well withour classmates. We like ice creom. We know ice creom iSbadl for your health, but it' S delicious. He aloesn' t likeplaying basketball and playing violin. I alon' t Like playingvolleyball, chess and arums. We Wart to participate in this year S art festival, because We want to show
the talent talents) to the studlenrts. He wanrts to be amusician. Tony likes to aiscuss with me. He likes to tellme his alay. He usually gets up ana exercises at 6: 30translatea in English all the time exercise.Bhrush your teeth anal have breakfast at /: 00. I go to school at seven forty - five. He is never late. At / 2:00,he ate a lot of fruits and vegetables for lunch. At fiveo' clock in the aftemoon, he came home. He always aloeshis homework first. After fnishing his homeworkr he eitherWatches TV or plays computer games. He often takes abath at 09:45. Go to bed at 10:00. He Wants to haVe avery interesting job. A group of fmenas can work with himonthe raaio station.