

1. drown sb of sth
2. remind sb of sth
3. set off for
4. It is obvious that

1.she want to drown her shyness by smiling(她以笑容来掩饰她的羞涩) 2.This picture remind me of the old days (这张照片让我想起了过去的日子) 3.Tomorrow we will set off for London(明天我们将出发去伦敦)
4.it is obvious that he lies to you.(很显然他在欺骗你)
第1个回答  2010-03-04
1They turned up the radio to drown the noise of the traffic他们调大了收音机的音量以压过来往的车辆的噪音
2The photo reminds me of my childhood
3They are setting off for Pairs tomorrow
4It is obvious that we can't finish the work on time
第2个回答  2010-03-04
Man goes into the noisy crowd to drown his own clamour of silence.人走进熙攘的人群,是为了掩盖他自己滔滔的沉默。

You remind me of your father

They set off for the West in a covered wagon他们搭乘有篷的马车前往西部。

It is obvious that it is nothing to do with success.幸福显然同成功毫不相干。