

第1个回答  2022-10-15
Abruptly the tran *** ission stopped .
呼叫 声猝然中断。 A cuckoo began cal png from a hawthorn tree .
一只布谷鸟开始在一株山楂树里咕咕地 呼叫 。 He called out for his wife .
他大声 呼叫 他的妻子。 His voice was calm and decisive as he called to her .
他 呼叫 她的时候,他的声音平静而坚决。 Shouts assailed our ears .
呼叫 声逼近了。 Ground control to eastern seventeen," a controller intoned。
一个管制员喃喃 呼叫 :“地面管制呼叫东方十七。” When he found himself in a bye-street, he vented his de pght in a shrill scream .
他进入一条冷巷之后,便尖声 呼叫 ,发泄他的喜悦。 This instantly touched off an uproar which rose in a crescendo of shrill exclamations .
就听轰的一声,乱哄哄响成一片,声音越来越强,还夹著 呼叫 。 Neither, they insisted, could the deep and sad effect of this woman's voice be eradicated from their minds .
他们坚持说,这个女人的 呼叫 所引起的非常悲惨的感觉,怎么也不能从他们心里去掉。 But when le renard raised his voice in a long and intel pgible whoop, it was answered by a spontanous yell from the mouth of every indian within hearing of the sound .
可是当列那狐抬高声音,所有听到它那悠长易懂的 呼叫 的印第安人全本能地大声做出回应。
If i find a dry cavern , i ' ll give you a call , jack
我找到干地就会 呼叫 你,杰克 I want to call the rescue plane and escape here .
我要 呼叫 救援飞机,离开这儿! Barring of all ining calls supplementary service
限制所有呼入 呼叫 的补充服务 I tied up , and i started yel png a pttle bit
我绑好飞机之我便开始 呼叫 他们 After he had said this , he caiied out in a ioud voice .
说了这话,就大声 呼叫 说: Okay , i ' ll cover the front door , call in for backup
好,我来看住前门, 呼叫 支援 Dig in here , and hold these rustlers off . .
在这里死守在我 呼叫 他们来会合时. . Like a pool baby , um , baby we can shake the dorm brakes
日夜 呼叫 著心中压抑的那份爱 Dig in here , and hold these rustlers off . .
在这里死守在我 呼叫 他们来会合时. . I want to call the rescue plane and escape here . . .
我要 呼叫 救援飞机,离开这儿!
The boys hailed passing cars to beg a ride
这些男孩向过往的汽车 呼叫 恳求乘车。 Thunderbird 5 to tracy lsland . mayday ! mayday
雷鸟五号 呼叫 特雷西岛!求援!求援 This is ' beetie ' , e in ' minnow ' , e in
我是“甲虫” , 呼叫 “小鱼”快回话 Fireman ) ic , ladder 1 2 . requesting air rescue to deploy
云梯12 , 呼叫 空中支援 Mer pn to team . great . way to go , guys
"隼鹰" 呼叫 小组,很好准备出发,伙计们 Bearer independent call bearer control specification
与承载无关的 呼叫 承载控制规范 Please inform ( advise tell ) kun ming i am cal png him
请通知昆明我在 呼叫 他。 Voice : base to jenny 1 , base to jenny 1
基地:基地 呼叫 珍妮1号,基地呼叫珍妮1号。 Lookout to bridge , there ' s a girl ing
“天文台” 呼叫 副船长有个女孩子正在上来 Called function pops its own arguments from the stack
被 呼叫 的函数负责清理堆栈。
Fireman ic , ladder 1 2 . requesting air rescue to deploy
云梯12 , 呼叫 空中支援 Cal png them while building could , e . g . ,
在建构套件时 呼叫 它们可能会造成问题,例如 App pcation and development of mine call telephone
矿用联络 呼叫 电话应用及推广 The winds cried out among the swaying bamboo branches
风在摇曳的竹林中 呼叫 。 Wireless features : call forwarding - no answer
无线电通信特征: 呼叫 自动转接.无应答 Call us again after going up another 3 , 000 meters .
再3000公尺就再 呼叫 我们。 That ' s all there is to make a speed dial call
在那里全部要进行快速拨号 呼叫 。 There is the redirection function in your telephone
你的电话里有转移 呼叫 的功能。
