在什么情况下the same as前加as 什么情况不加as?


回答:你的问题不够清晰,试回答如下:1. same前通常要有限定词(定冠词、物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格)。如:the / his same story, these/ Tom's same lies。但在非正式的口语中,可以省略the(请见下文)。
2. the same (…)as…:与……一样(相同)。如:
He lives the same life as (介词)me / as(关系代词) I do.
We will give the same as you.
3. (the )same to you(用于回敬问候或侮辱)也祝你……,你也同样。如:
“Happy New year!”“(The ) Same to you!”
“Stupid!”“(The) Same to you!"

4. It is the same with… (=So it is with …)……也是如此。如:
“I fail the exam.”“It is the same with me.”
5. It is all the same to sb这对某人来说无所谓(不重要)。如:
It is all the same to me whether he comes or not.
6. (the) same for me(口语)我也要同样的。如:
“I'll have coffee.”“(The )Same to me.”
7. (the)same again(口语)再要一份。如:(The)Same again, please!请再来一份!
8. (the)same here(口语)我也是,我也一样。如:
“I can't wait to see it.”“(The)Same here.”
9. the same as表示相似;the same that表示同一。如:
His hair is the same colour as his mother's (is).
He works in the same factory that his father (did).
第1个回答  2019-10-02
看你怎么描述,描述什么,你如果描述两个事物是相同的,就不用,像,they look like the same,如果你想说像什么什么一样,就要用as,例如,the same as you,the same to you. 都可以. the feeling is the same as playing chess.
第2个回答  2019-10-02
the same as后接句子表示是同一类东西,而the same that代表是同一个东西但不是同一个。这两个都是定语从句,如She bought the same dress as I
bought yesterday.
She has found the same book that
she lost yesterday.她已经找到了她昨天丢的那本书。
第3个回答  2019-10-02
标准英语使用中只有the same.....as 和as....as
两个词组中,“.....”前的the same或者as都为副词对“....”中的词或者句子进行修饰,“.....”后的as都为连词,因此如果as....as中要加same就不需要the,直接加same就可以,此处的same相当于被as修饰的词。
第4个回答  2019-09-30
1.the same as 与...一样 His pen is the same as yours. 他的笔和你的一样。
2.as...as 中间加形容词或副词,而不会出现the
你可以说as same as,而不能说 as the same as本回答被网友采纳