
英语长句子,求分析句子成分we can get that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do.

we can get that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

we can get that... bla bla bla 这里已经构成了一句话. that是什么 就是后面乱78糟的内容而已.
the people (who ... blabla) are the ones (who do) 这里又是一句话.people are the ones. are跟着world后面 只是因为world是括号句子里面的最后一个单词,它可以是world,change the world,可以是奥巴马 change the Obama,也可以是你妈妈 change your mami.所以里面的是什么内容不打紧.
你的问题二,people是人 所以要用who来引导,which是引导物,不是引导人.
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-25
we can get 宾语从句[ that the people 定语从句(who are crazy enough to think they
主语 谓语
can change the world)are the one who do.]本回答被网友采纳