believe in和believe的区别是什么?


第1个回答  2022-07-18
在英语学习的过程中,我们经常会遇到“单词”与“单词+介词”或是"介词+单词‘’这类构造,它们所表达的意思有的很相近,有的大相径庭,如:believe与believe in,它们含义相近,都可译为“相信”,其后的宾语可事物或人但两者所表达核心意思还是有所差异,在具体的场合是不可混用。

一、believe sb 和 believe in sb的区别
believe sb:字面意思:相信某人,其实是相信某人说的话,相当于believe what sb says,一般用于具体的事情,如:

--A.Do you believe that my grandfather joined the army?

--B.I believe you



believe in sb:相信某人的品行或能力,偏向于正式严肃性的问题,而且对话双方都是熟人,如:

--A.John stole my camera.

--B.That's not true, I believe in him,he would rather break his arms than do things like steeling.



二、believe sth 和 believe in sth的区别:
believe sth:相信某事是真的或者其内容符合事实,sth可以是报道、故事、理论等,如:

I never believe things that I've never seen.

After being cheated for several times, John doesn't believe a word of his.


believe in sth:

1) 相信某事物的存在,sth可以是鬼神、上帝、经文等,可译成“信,信奉”,如:

I believe in the Bible .

He believes in miracles when he is in trouble = He believes in the ex