hotel management system 问题:酒店管理系统有哪些?


1. ADR - 平均每日房价(Average Daily Rate)

2. ARR - 平均房价(Average Room Rate)

3. B2B - 商业对商业(Business to Business)

4. B2C - 商业对消费者(Business to Consumer)

5. CRS - 中央预订系统(Central Reservation System)

6. CRM - 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)

7. EBITDA - 息税折旧及摊销前利润(Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization)

8. F&B - 餐饮服务(Food and Beverage)

9. GOP - 政府运营费用(Gross Operating Profit)

10. KPI - 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)

11. OTA - 在线旅行社(Online Travel Agency)

12. PMS - 酒店管理系统(Property Management System)

13. RFP - 请求掏荐书(Request for Proposal)

14. RevPAR - 每可用房间收益(Revenue Per Available Room)

15. ROI - 投资回报率(Return On Investment)

16. ROR - 经理回报率(Return On Revenue)

17. TRevPAR - 总收入每可用房间收益(Total Revenue Per Available Room)

18. TRevPAM - 每可用房间毛收入(Total Revenue Per Available Room)

19. VR - 视觉实境(Virtual Reality)
