

第1个回答  2024-05-14
1. At thirty, a man is in the prime of his life, and his fashion choices should reflect a balance between maturity and trendiness. Suitable streetwear brands and clothing styles should showcase a sense of adulthood and style without compromising on youthful energy.
2. Brabi (France): Brabi, a French brand, offers products that blend classic and modern aesthetics. Their bags are simple yet elegant, suitable for men in their early thirties. While the price point is on the higher end, the brand is trusted for its quality and design. Brabi's bags are crafted in the UK, featuring a unique logo and a sophisticated color palette that leaves a lasting impression.
3. (British) iPhone Version: This brand's products are designed with a cutting-edge approach, with most items manufactured in the UK. The fabrics and designs embody the British street style, making them a good fit for men who appreciate UK-inspired trends.
4. Armstrongpadsize: This brand is relatively new in China, known for its distinctive designs, especially the combination of deep coffee and gold, which is perfect for men in their thirties.
5. Converse: Although Converse is a young brand, its Allstar series, as a Nike premium line, was once very popular. Although its market position has declined somewhat, the classic canvas shoe design remains beloved.
6. Muji (Japan): Muji's style is fresh, and their bag designs have an Instagram-worthy aesthetic. However, their shoe and boot prints can sometimes appear budget-friendly. Nevertheless, fashion-conscious men can still choose suitable brands within their budget.
7. Basic Pieces: Basic items like T-shirts, hoodies, and shirts in streetwear are great choices. These pieces can be worn alone or mixed and matched, offering a clean and fashionable look.
8. Street Dance Style: Men in their thirties can also try street dance-inspired hoodies, paired with jeans for a balanced fashion sense.
9. Fashionable Denim Shoes: Fashionable denim shoes are this year's trend, suitable for men who pursuit fashion.
10. Outerwear Options: Outerwear choices like Champion or Adidas styles add a streetwear vibe. Cropped tops can also be experimented with for a more fashionable and urban look.
In conclusion, men in their thirties should choose streetwear that aligns with their personal style and taste, reflecting a sense of maturity and stability while maintaining a youthful and fashionable edge. Streetwear for men is a great way to cultivate a trendy image, adding personality and a touch of urban chic.