

冲动了呗 不喜欢就果断分开 不要迷迷糊糊 拖拖拉拉 对自己不好啦
第1个回答  2010-04-19
第2个回答  2010-04-19
直接来句不讨厌吧 (意思你对我做的还不够好我要看你表现)
第3个回答  2010-04-19
第4个回答  2010-04-19
follow your heart. kissing does not mean anything. my gf is also 24 and it is also her first kiss. but i wait for a month to give her first kiss because i want her to know me better. i wont be the guy you met to give you a difficult situation. if you are together a bit longer, you may not kiss at all. because you dont know him well, you kissed him, and right now you dont have any feeling but have to tell him you might have.

In a word, what i mean is it is the guy's fault trying to kiss you after the thrid time meeting. so dont worry to tell him your real feeling. nothing wrong with you .

hope it is helpful